Letter: Labour's mouse for Edinburgh

Dr Winnie Ewing,Mep
Tuesday 05 September 1995 23:02 BST

From Dr Winnie Ewing, MEP

Sir: Scotland returns 10 Conservatives out of 72 MPs to Westminster. Three out of four voters want nothing to do with a Conservative government here, yet they get one anyway.

What Braveheart Blair (leading article, 1 September) has in mind for his new Scottish parliament now seems very likely to be the Mickey Mouse outfit foreseen by the party of which I am president. Margaret Thatcher's first act on taking power in 1979 was to kill off the Scotland Act. It will be interesting to note whatever powers of entrenchment the Edinburgh assembly will get, if any. Will it turn out to be another Stormont at the inevitable next change of London government?

Yours for Scotland,

Winnie Ewing

MEP for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland

Elgin, Moray

1 September

The writer is president of the Scottish National Party.

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