Letter: North London burglars have been stung by Operation Bumblebee

W. Peters
Saturday 04 July 1992 23:02 BST

I WRITE in response to 'Why burglary really hurts' (28 June). Heart-rending sentiments such as those expressed in the article are depressingly common.

In north London, Operation Bumblebee was launched last year to tackle burglary. Its success has been phenomenal - reported burglaries are down by 5 per cent this year, against the rising trend elsewhere in London and beyond.

We do not 'screen out' any burglaries, in our area each is investigated thoroughly, with the victim kept informed of progress.

I would also dispute that 'most burglars are kids'. In our experience, most arrested are aged between 22 and 30.

I have tremendous sympathy with each of the victims. But we in north London have proved that effective steps can be taken to limit this devastation.

W Peters

Detective Chief Superintendent

1 Area (North)

Metropolitan Police

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