LETTER:OutRage! only outed hypocrites

Mr Peter Tatchell
Tuesday 18 April 1995 23:02 BST

From Mr Peter Tatchell

Sir: Paul Vallely has a right to criticise me but he does not have a right to distort the truth ("Triumph of Hope over adversity", 13 April). The Bishop of London did not meet me to discuss "the threat by OutRage! to `out' him". We have never threatened to reveal Dr Hope's sexuality, because we always felt it would be more effective if he made his own decision to come out in his own time. If we had wanted to out Dr Hope, we would have done so last November when we named the other 10 bishops. We didn't.

Contrary to Mr Vallely's claim that OutRage! has harassed clerics because they are "closet gays", we have highlighted hypocrites only. Bishops demand that others tell the truth, yet 14 of them are not being truthful about their own homosexuality. Some of these bishops have had sex with men while publicly condemning gay relationships. It is hypocrisy that we are challenging.

Yours sincerely,


London, SE1

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