Letter: The practice of Chinese herbalism: From Mr RICHARD J. BLACKWELL

Saturday 18 December 1993 00:02 GMT

Sir: Monique Roffey was quite right to draw attention to the need for proper controls for Chinese herbal medicine in the UK ('Lizards for asthma, antlers for the kidneys', 7 December). The Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine registers and regulates fully qualified practitioners and supports importers who have quality-control measures in place. Until the goal of statutory regulation is achieved, the public should beware of unregistered practitioners.

However, Ms Roffey betrays an ignorance of the subject when she describes Chinese herbal medicine as being based on folklore. On the contrary, this is a system of medicine developed over 2,000 years by literate and educated doctors who have meticulously recorded their observations and continuously developed their theory.

The result is an immensely rich body of knowledge that has already shown great promise in the treatment of eczema and is the source of an effective new drug for malaria. With appropriate regulation, Chinese herbal medicine can make a great contribution to health care.

Yours sincerely,



The Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine

London, W12

15 December

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