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No, Dominic Raab, striking barristers aren’t ‘holding justice to ransom’

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Wednesday 24 August 2022 12:49 BST
As anyone can see, the people who are actually holding the country to ransom at present are the privatised utility companies
As anyone can see, the people who are actually holding the country to ransom at present are the privatised utility companies (PA)

I see that Dominic Raab has accused striking barristers of “holding justice to ransom”. He might care to reflect that it’s a decade and counting of the Conservative Party’s dogma-driven austerity cuts that have actually left the UK’s criminal justice system teetering on the brink of collapse.

As anyone can see, the people who are actually holding the country to ransom at present are the privatised utility companies. What a shame that certain past governments weren’t able to anticipate the risk of selling off all the country’s precious resources.

Julian Self

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