It’s political Groundhog Day all over again

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Monday 29 May 2023 00:07 BST
How will Boris Johnson’s ever-present collegial cheerleaders will cry foul at the top of their strident voices this time?
How will Boris Johnson’s ever-present collegial cheerleaders will cry foul at the top of their strident voices this time? (Getty/The Independent)

I read your editorial (History, like Heseltine, will judge Johnson harshly, 27 May) and Lord Heseltine’s relevant piece about the parlous state of his party in general and the latest furore surrounding Boris Johnson in particular, with interest and agreement.

It appears to be political Groundhog Day all over again: the former prime minister is taking centre stage and everything else is grinding to a complete halt, as we all watch with bated and exhausted breath as to how this saga of Chequersgate will all play out and how his ever-present collegial cheerleaders will cry foul at the top of their strident voices whatever the conclusions and outcome.

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