Brexit would be a cop-out from international affairs

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Thursday 16 June 2016 17:51 BST
We should aim to reform the EU from within, as opposed to leaving
We should aim to reform the EU from within, as opposed to leaving (AFP/Getty)

Seen from the continent – I have been living in Catalonia since retiring 15 years ago – Brexit looks like a cop-out from any wish for serious involvement in international affairs. It is from within the EU (an EU that undoubtedly cries out for internal reform) that the UK can continue to act effectively on the world stage. Brexit would not, as its promoters claim, put the "great" back into Great Britain: it would simply hand over Great Britain to the Little Englanders.

Henry Ettinghausen
Catalonia, Spain

Fear on both sides of the debate

Remain are allegedly fearful of the unknown if we leave. Leave are genuinely fearful of the known if we remain.

Andrew Goddard

How can we lead Europe if we cannot lead ourselves?

I was amused to hear Gordon Brown on the radio this morning ardently telling us to remain in the EU, as in doing so we can “lead Europe”. How would this work when we aren’t permitted to lead ourselves? Or even think for ourselves?

Why are the politicians so anxious for us to remain? Could it have anything to do with what they make from the arrangement? By all accounts, the EU appears to be a very profitable business for those occupied within its structure; a business that is enigmatic to those on the outside. We need to up sticks and go, before we get sucked in further. I stand convinced that if we walk away it won’t be long before the EU, this cancerous institution, will begin to crumble – can it really continue without our financial input?

And who knows? Perhaps the others will be grateful that we, the British, took the lead. Hopefully we can then become good friends and neighbours, but without having to belong to the same family.

Trish Bailey
Address supplied

We need to safeguard our traditions

The campaign for staying in the EU appears to be based only on the economy, other equally vital considerations are either ignored or passed over quickly.

Sticking to their mantra, economics, what price do we put on democracy, liberty and personal freedoms? Making our own laws, protecting our own borders, controlling immigration, living in a free society, enjoying our independence, raising our children in the way we choose based mainly on Christian values, living our own unique way of life and continue calling ourselves British – English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish, Cornish or whatever area of the United Kingdom we chose.

We have built up our way of life over a period of 1,000 years, where countries all over the world have based their laws on our system. Why on earth should we give this all up?

Greece and Spain has youth employment of around 50 per cent. Italy’s banks are broken and their economy has stagnated since 2008. France and Belgium are at a standstill. In general the banking system in the eurozone, including Germany, has 900bn euros of bad debt.

We owe it to future generations to come out of the EU: it will be our only opportunity, and we will never get another.

Gordon Tomlinson
County Durham

Michael Gove's fishing comments do not bode well for the UK

If Michael Gove’s grasp of current affairs is as tenuous as his recollection of his own family's history, this does not bode well for the UK in the event of a Brexit vote.

A decision by Gove senior to sell his fishing business justifies the destruction of thousands of jobs in the financial sector?

Paul Rex
South Warnborough

A vote for Leave is a vote to depose Cameron and Osborne

Just when it seemed they could stoop no lower, Cameron and Osborne’s disgraceful attempts to rig the EU referendum using scare stories have plumbed new depths by threatening tax increases and cuts to pensions. This simply won’t happen – it wouldn’t get through Parliament where they have a tiny majority of only 17.

It is unlikely that people will be taken in by these nasty and extreme threats but if anyone is, there’s one simple remedy. Vote to leave the EU because a Leave win means both Cameron and Osborne will lose their jobs, preventing them from carrying out their threats.

David Kilpatrick
St Albans

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