Principles beat plaudits

Margaret Gadian
Sunday 11 December 1994 00:02 GMT

UNLIKE the rest of the British press, whose editors are appointed - and sacked - by the media barons and their associates who own most of our Tory-dominated papers, the editor of the Morning Star is chosen, subject to certain basic socialist crite ria, by a small committee elected by the society's management committee, which is in turn elected by readers/shareholders at AGMs. Nick Cohen would have done more for your paper's integrity if he had ascertained the facts about these procedures ("Comrade s clash over editorship of Star", 4 December).

As the only daily independent paper which supports the working people of Britain against the attacks being made on them and their children by this undemocratic, callous government, the Morning Star must choose an editor who supports socialist principles and not one who receives the plaudits of the British capitalist press.

What strange bedfellows does John Haylett have within the Independent on Sunday to say he "is the man to lead the Morning Star out of ghetto politics"? As the great Labour leader, Keir Hardie, said: "When I am lauded by the British press, I know that I am on the wrong path."

Margaret Gadian Manchester

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