Friday 14 July 1995 23:02 BST

Unlike the great theatres and opera houses of the world, 10 Downing Street is not designed to accommodate two stars at the same time - Lord Deedes

The fact is that Margaret Thatcher was never really a Conservative - Sir Robert Rhodes James, former Tory MP

Nothing is a greater aid to privacy than to live side by side in a skilfully contrived terrace. The next-door neighbours are invisible; the neighbours across the street are fitfully observable, but only in the way in which one observes the inhabitants of another continent - Enoch Powell

As a general rule, if women are present a man should appear with a tie and proper coat. Men are being awfully casual now - Dame Barbara Cartland, lamenting the tendency for shirt-sleeve order in hot weather

I hate having other people's ideas cluttering up my brain - John Galliano, fashion designer, explaining why he does not read books

His concern was to protect the weakest and poorest, and promote those whose prospects were smallest and whose handicaps were largest - Lord Callaghan, paying tribute to the former prime minister Harold Wilson

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