Friday 21 April 1995 23:02 BST

I'm a typical Welshman who carries a little grey cloud around in his head - John Humphrys, broadcaster

Like most of the British nation, I am so turned off by the House of Commons - Clare Short, Labour MP

It can be tricky waiting for other people to catch up - Edwina Currie, Tory MP, describing impatience as the trait she most deplored in herself

Women betray women, more than men betray men. And they betray each other about men. Your card-carrying feminist will say that's bollocks, but it isn't - Edna O'Brien, writer

Women can get very upset when they think they are feminists and find themselves putting on high heels. But you are allowed time off for mating behaviour - Fay Weldon, author

It is one of the contradictions of our society that two-thirds of people are stressed out due to overwork, while one-third are stressed due to under-employment and poverty - Campbell Christie, general secretary of the Scottish TUC

It is always said that the central lobby of the House of Commons has to be the third easiest place in Europe to get picked up - after Funland in Leicester Square and the arrival lounge at Rome Airport - Alan Clark, former defence minister

In Hollywood you can live quite well by writing films that never get made. But this is a sure path to dipsomania, nervous breakdown and suicide - John Mortimer, playwright

Just as life is not easy to define, so death now has fuzzy edges - Dr John Habgood, Archbishop of York

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