Saturday 20 January 1996 00:02 GMT

You look wonderful with your clothes on - the Princess of Wales on being introduced to the 'Baywatch' star David Hasselhoff

I am middle of the road, middle brow, middle class and Middle England - Sir Christopher Bland, newly appointed chairman of the BBC's board of governors

I am not a believer in people choosing their successors. They usually choose someone like themselves, but worse - Marmaduke Hussey, outgoing BBC chairman

My idea of heaven is moving from one smoke-filled room to another - Peter O'Toole, actor

Lady Thatcher can get out of a train at 5am looking as if she has just come out of the beautician's, whereas I can come out of the beautician's looking as if I have just got out of a train at 5am - Ann Widdecombe, Home Office minister

Margaret Thatcher failed in her declared intention to wipe socialism off the agenda of British politics. Yet we find Tony Blair and New Labour wiping socialism off its own agenda - Arthur Scargill

Museums and galleries are not elitist institutions. More people visit museums than go to soccer matches - Loyd Grossman, TV presenter and chairman of the Campaign for Museums

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