Game of Thrones season 6 episode 5: Even Bran actor Isaac Hempstead Wright is annoyed at Bran

Nice one, Bran

Jack Shepherd
Tuesday 24 May 2016 08:26 BST

** Spoilers for Game of Thrones season 6 episode 5 **

This season of Game of Thrones has already brought about numerous huge revelations, many of which have stemmed from Bran and his visions.

In “The Door”, we learnt how Hodor got his name - from a bizarre time paradox that saw a young Hodor’s mind transported into the older Hodor’s body, leading to *that* emotional “Hold the Door” scene.

Unfortunately, Hodor’s death, Summer’s death, and the Three-Eyed Raven’s death all stem from Bran waking up in the middle of the night and accessing without his mentor’s help.

As expected, the internet was outraged; Bran’s journey has led to almost every character he meets dying.

However, it’s not just keyboard warriors who are annoyed at the young Stark, even the actor who plays Bran is pretty aggravated by his character. Isaac Wright tweeted out “Nice One, Bran,” just hours after the episode aired in the US.

Yeah, nice one, Bran! You idiot! Why would you get our beloved Hodor killed? Anyway, if you’re confused about how this time travelling fiasco is all working out in Game of Thrones, we’ve attempted to explain it in a piece titled “How Bran, time travel and Hodor could legitimise some very strange theories”.

Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 6 Preview

Meanwhile, in other Game of Thrones news (because there is other GOT news), Khaleesi actor Emilia Clarke explained why she danced the funky chicken at her initial audition, while - during the episode - the penis was finally freed.

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