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Love Island catch-up: Yewande furious after Arabella confronts her about Danny, and three other talking points

All the latest from the Spanish villa

Clémence Michallon
Friday 21 June 2019 22:45 BST
Love Island's Yewande and Arabella have a SAVAGE conversation

The atmosphere was electric for most of Friday's episode of Love Island, to the point that even the villa's most solid couple ended up arguing.

Things were tense from the beginning as Danny found himself torn between Yewande and relative newcomer Arabella. The latter has made no secret of her desire to get to know Danny better despite the fact that he's currently coupled up with Yewande.

Curtis, meanwhile, earned Amy's ire after an ill-fated kissing context, during which he accidentally rated Arabella's kissing abilities as superior to Amy's.

Yewande steps up

Yewande wants her coupling with Danny to continue, and she's certainly taking action to ensure that is the case. While she started out as one of the more discreet islanders, this episode saw Yewande stand up for herself in more ways than one. First, she went to sit on Danny while he was engrossed in a chat with Arabella. Second, when Arabella later confronted Yewande about it, she fought back and was left clearly angry at her fellow islander. Danny has complained many times that Yewande didn't express her feelings towards him enough – and she is now clearly showing her affections towards him.

Love Island's Yewande has a meltdown after talk with Arabella

What does Danny want?

All this brings us to the following question: what on Earth does Danny want? Yewande and Arabella have both made their desires crystal-clear (Arabella wants to "get to know" Danny, per one of the most over-used phrases in the villa, while Yewande wants to remain paired up with him). Danny has indicated that he was happy to be coupled up with Yewande once she started showing him that she liked him. He does, however, appear to be keeping his options open when it comes to Arabella. Hopefully we will get some clarity soon.

Danny and Arabella have chemistry on love island

Curtis and Amy endure

The villa's two love birds, who have taken to refer to each other as "half boyfriend and girlfriend", had their first major fight tonight. It all stemmed from a kissing context during which each female islander had to kiss each male participant. The men, of course, were wearing blindfolds and had to rate each kisser without knowing their identity. Naturally, Curtis gave Amy a seven out of 10 but awarded Arabella a 10 out of 10. Amy was furious, not only at Curtis's unintentional betrayal but also at the other islanders, who found the situation very funny. Words were exchanged but Curtis and Amy eventually worked things out during a romantic date.

Love Island's Curtis and Amy fall out after the kissing contest

We need to talk about the foetal position

In what is certain to become a viral Love Island moment, Tommy told Curtis (who was asking him about his level of physical intimacy with Molly-Mae, with whom Tommy is currently coupled up) that he had spent the last night "in the foetal position". Curtis appeared thoroughly confused, asking Tommy to demonstrate what he meant. More confusion ensued.

Tommy and Curtis get confused about the foetal position on Love Island

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The ladies are quizzing Danny about his reconciliation with Yewande. Danny says he found it came out of the blue. It's unclear whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Clemence Michallon21 June 2019 21:05

Maura, meanwhile, doesn't think Danny and Yewande are a good fit.

Clemence Michallon21 June 2019 21:05

Danny hopes Yewande will keep speaking her own mind and being forward about her feelings for him.

Clemence Michallon21 June 2019 21:06

Yewande is also having a little debrief session with Anna, Amy and Amber.

Clemence Michallon21 June 2019 21:06

Anna says this marks the beginning of the "sexual frustration" between Yewande and Danny. Now other islanders are discussing their various states of frustration.

Clemence Michallon21 June 2019 21:07

Curtis is now quizzing Tommy about his level of physical intimacy with Molly-Mae. Tommy won't say much but baffles Curtis by telling him he was in the foetal position.

Clemence Michallon21 June 2019 21:08

Now Arabella and Danny are having a chat! Danny tells Arabella his kiss with Yewande felt like a weight off his shoulders. He's uncertain about the future of their coupling, though, because he's not sure Yewande is going to continue showing him affection.

Clemence Michallon21 June 2019 21:10

Anton is now chatting up Arabella on the beanbag chairs. He thinks they're taking it "nice and slow" and finds the chase "interesting".

Clemence Michallon21 June 2019 21:19

Anton, Danny and Arabella are engaged in a completely normal situation about their travel habits, places of residence, etc. It's quite rare to see people on Love Island talking about real-life stuff that doesn't involve other islanders.

Clemence Michallon21 June 2019 21:20

Yewande is coming over and sitting on Danny. Well, she did say she was going to be more forward with him! Arabella remains next to them.

Clemence Michallon21 June 2019 21:20

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