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Fortnite World Cup LIVE: Ninja competes in Creative and Celebrity Pro-Am finals on day one

Anthony Cuthbertson
Friday 26 July 2019 21:31 BST
Marshmello hosts world's largest concert through Fortnite as 10m gamers tune in

Fortnite is already proclaiming it "the greatest tournament of all time", and with the World Cup finals already underway in New York, it can at least claim to be one of the biggest.

Around 40 million Fortnite players competed to qualify for the three-day event, making it the most participated-in tournament of all time.

But the Fortnite World Cup is not just set to be the biggest eSports tournament of all time, the $3 million prize for the solos winner makes it one of the most lucrative tournaments in any sport.

You can read our full guide to the Fortnite World Cup here, complete with key players, the schedules for the finals, and how to watch the live stream from wherever you are.

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anthony.cuthbertson27 July 2019 00:06

South Korea's Sinooh has taken game 1 of the Pro-Am in dominating fashion.

anthony.cuthbertson27 July 2019 00:12

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