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Harry and Meghan news – live: Jeremy Clarkson apology over The Sun column accused of misogyny

Former Top Gear host said he was ‘profoundly sorry’ for language in column

Emily Atkinson,Andy Gregory,Matt Mathers,Peony Hirwani
Wednesday 18 January 2023 07:04 GMT
Prince Harry shows Stephen Colbert the necklace William broke

Jeremy Clarkson failed to address his “long-standing pattern” of writing articles that spread “hate rhetoric” when apologising to Meghan for his Sun column, the Sussexes have claimed.

On Monday 17 January, the TV presenter apologised to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex over a “disgraceful” piece he wrote about the latter in December last year.

But the couple said Mr Clarkson “wrote solely” to Prince Harry, who was not the subject of his piece. They also rejected his claims to have written the column “in a hurry”.

In the article, the former Top Gear host said he despised the duchess on a “cellular level”, adding that he dreamt of the day she would be made to parade naked through Britain while a crowd chanted “shame” and threw “excrement” at her.

Mr Clarkson, in his apology, said: “I really am sorry. All the way from the balls of my feet to the follicles on my head. This is me putting my hands up. It’s a mea culpa with bells on.”


What exactly did the Sussexes say in response to Clarkson’s apology?

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have issued a response to Jeremy Clarkson’s apology over his highly criticised remarks about Meghan Markle.

The statement made by the couple reported by Omid Scobie of Yahoo, states: “On December 25, 2022, Mr Clarkson wrote solely to Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex. The contents of his correspondence were marked Private and Confidential.”

You can read the statement in full here:

Meghan and Harry’s full response to Jeremy Clarkson apology

Statement called out the TV presenter for allegedly emailing Harry, not Meghan, with his apology in December

Matt Mathers17 January 2023 10:00

Palace silence over book claims not what it seems - Sussex biographer

Buckingham Palace’s silence over claims made by Prince Harry in his book Spare “might not be what it seems”, an author and ally of the Sussexes has said.

Omid Scobie, co-author of Finding Freedom - a biography of the couple’s time together - said palace aides often speak to the media.

In a piece for Yahoo! News Royal Executive, Omid said: “While it may be true that Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace have chosen not to answer requests for comment from journalists (including myself) about the revelations in Spare, in my experience of royal reporting the reality of the institution’s silence might not be quite what it seems.”

“Despite the tired ‘never complain, never explain’ facade, an assortment of Royal Family sources and friends have all been busy speaking to media outlets since the contents of the book first leaked to British newspapers ahead of its 10 January debut.

“Whilst these sources may be speaking out entirely independently, given how tight knit the Royal Family inner circle is, I doubt they would speak to the media without at least some form of tacit approval from the royals.”

Omid Scobie
Omid Scobie (Harper Collins )
Matt Mathers17 January 2023 09:56

Spare ‘misses the point’ - royal author

Prince Harry’s book Spare is “missing the point” about what it means to be a working royal, an author has said.

Robert Jobson, the royal author, says being a working member of the family is a privilege.

“It hands them a platform so they can use their position to serve the Crown & country by helping others & promoting causes that matter to them - whilst not worrying about how to pay the rent,” he adds.

Matt Mathers17 January 2023 09:35

Americans welcomed Prince Harry with open arms. Will ‘Spare’ spoil the love story?

ICYMI: Americans welcomed Prince Harry with open arms. Will ‘Spare’ spoil the love story?

A generation of American teens dreamt of marrying Prince Harry and then watched, rapt, as the fairytale they imagined came true before their eyes.

Two years later, the nation welcomed the royal combat veteran after he cut his privileged ties for the love of an LA-born actress. But in the aftermath of Prince Harry’s book release and media blitz, Sheila Flynn asks: Can he keep America on his side?

Americans welcomed Prince Harry with open arms. Will ‘Spare’ spoil the love story?

A generation of American teens dreamt of marrying Prince Harry and then watched, rapt, as the fairytale they imagined came true before their eyes. Two years later, the nation welcomed the royal combat veteran after he cut his privileged ties for the love of an LA-born actress. But in the aftermath of Prince Harry’s book release and media blitz, Sheila Flynn asks: Can he keep America on his side?

Matt Mathers17 January 2023 09:05

Clarkson ‘being dropped' by Amazon Prime

Jeremy Clarkson will be dropped by Amazon Prime once the final episode of ‘Clarkson’s Farm’ ends, it has been reported.

A press conference for the series was due to take place today but was cancelled at 6pm last night after the presenter issued his apology to Prince Harry.

Variety Australia, citing anonymous sources, said the presenter will no longer work with the streaming giant once ‘The Grand Tour - another series featuring Mr Clarkson - and the farm show have ended.

Matt Mathers17 January 2023 08:09

Clarkson Twitter remains silent

Jeremy Clarkson has apologised to the Sussexes for the “digraceful” column he wrote about Meghan.

Following the backlash against the piece, Mr Clarkson tweeted that he’d put his “foot in it” but stopped short of saying sorry.

That remains that last tweet on his Twitter account, posted on 19 December.

Matt Mathers17 January 2023 07:39

Princes Harry and William invited to reunite at relaunch of nightclub

Prince Harry has been invited to reunite with his brother Prince William at the relaunch of London’s Bouji nightclub, where the brothers once partied.

After closing its doors in 2014, the Sunday Times reported that it was planning to reopen, with co-owner Carlos Carello reported as saying: “Harry will be able to join us for the opening via the metaverse from LA, and he and William would be welcome to come and share the table together like the old days.

“I’m an optimist – I think those two will have a happy ending.”

Prince Harry and Prince William invited to reunite at relaunch of nightclub where they once partied
Andy Gregory17 January 2023 06:59

Chelsea Handler pokes fun at Prince Harry’s frostbite recollections

Prince Harry found himself at the sharp end of comedian Chelsea Handler’s Critics Choice Award speech last night over certain revelations in his new memoir.

Chelsea Handler poked fun at Prince Harry for his frostbitten penis tale at Critics Choice Awards

Handler quipped: “Niecy Nash-Betts is nominated for Dahmer. Dahmer became the third highest viewed show on Netflix, which a combined watch time of 1 billion hours, which, apparently, is the same amount of time we’re going to have to listen to Prince Harry talk about his frostbitten penis.”

Following laughs from the crowd, she said of Harry’s claims: “It’s enough already.”

Chelsea Handler mocks Corden and DeGeneres in brutal Critics Choice monologue

Crowd were especially surprised by the DeGeneres dig

Andy Gregory17 January 2023 05:59

Voices | The most damning detail in Prince Harry’s book - TJ Maxx

In this opinion column, Holly Baxter takes aim at perhaps the most damning revelation of them all to emerge from Spare writing: “There it was! The smoking gun! Surely the proof that he could be trusted for nothing! Because if a man lies about a TJ Maxx sale, what else is he capable of?”

Read the piece in full here:

The most damning detail in Prince Harry’s book - TJ Maxx

If he was going to complain about his wife experiencing racism, Harry should’ve checked when TK Maxx does its reductions first!

Andy Gregory17 January 2023 04:55

Video report: Amazon to ‘cut ties’ with Clarkson, sources claim

Amazon to ‘cut ties’ with Jeremy Clarkson after presenter apologises to Harry and Meghan
Andy Gregory17 January 2023 03:50

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