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Tommy Robinson case - live: EDL founder's supporters attack journalists after he is jailed for contempt of court

Live updates from Old Bailey hearing

Peter Stubley
Thursday 11 July 2019 15:17 BST
Tommy Robinson enters the Old Bailey ahead of sentencing

Tommy Robinson has been sent back to prison for encouraging ”vigilante action” against defendants in a grooming gang trial during a video livestreamed on Facebook.

The founder of the English Defence League was found in contempt of court last week over the film, which breached reporting restrictions on the case in Leeds in May 2018 and came close to collapsing the case against the guilty men.

Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, was originally jailed for 13 months last year but was freed on appeal.

Appearing at the Old Bailey today, he was sentenced to nine months imprisonment, reduced to 19 weeks because of time already served. The maximum sentence available to the judges was two years' imprisonment.

Follow live updates from court in our liveblog below


A much smaller band has moved down to Downing Street to continue the chant “We want Tommy Out”.

Peter Stubley11 July 2019 14:59
Peter Stubley11 July 2019 15:16

City of London Police now say they have made a total of eight arrests for offences committed during the Tommy Robinson protests on Friday last week.

Four were made on 5 July and four were made today, including a 50 year-old man in Westminster.

This is the full statement: “The City of London Police have made eight arrests in relation to offences committed on Friday 5 July outside the Central Criminal Court.

"On Friday 5 July, four men aged 34, 44, 52 and 60 were arrested for affray.

“On Thursday 11 July, a woman aged 28, and two men aged 60 and 50, were arrested for affray. One woman aged 61 was arrested for a public order offence.”

Peter Stubley11 July 2019 15:33

A few diehard supporters are sticking outside Downing Street with a flag and a placard on a stick. They are now vastly outnumbered by tourists.

Peter Stubley11 July 2019 15:51

The remaining protesters have moved down to the Wetherspoons pub.

Peter Stubley11 July 2019 16:11

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