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Post Office Inquiry – live: Paula Vennells booed over calling postmasters ‘inadequate’ in bombshell email

Ms Vennells faces grilling by subpostmasters’ lawyers over her role in scandal which saw hundreds wrongly prosecuted

Andy Gregory
Friday 24 May 2024 16:07
Paula Vennells broke down in tears during her evidence on Wednesday

Ex-Post Office chief executive Paula Vennells was booed by the public gallery has been accused of talking “absolute rubbish” after she broke down in tears once again at the Horizon inquiry to insist that she loved the company and had “worked to the best of my ability” over the scandal.

Bringing to a close three days of bruising testimony – riddled with long pauses and insistences by Ms Vennells that she could not recall details asked of her – boos rang out in the gallery as the inquiry was shown a 2014 email by Paula Vennells congratulating Post Office comms director for a recent One Show appearance.

In the email, Ms Vennells claimed the segment made subpostmasters appear “inadequate” and said she was “more bored than outraged” hearing their claims of mistreatment and wrongful prosecution. She added that now-acquitted subpostmaster Jo Hamilton “lacked passion and admitted false accounting on TV”.

Insisting to the inquiry that she was “just hugely sorry” over the “terrible” email, she was challenged by barrister Tim Moloney KC: “Is it in fact that they were triumphalist remarks and you regret them now because you’re here?”


Hundreds of subpostmasters will have names cleared on Friday, government says

Hundreds of subpostmasters caught up in the Post Office Horizon scandal will have their names cleared on Friday, a minister has said – after parliament backed legislation to quash their convictions.

The Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Bill will receive royal assent on the final sitting day of parliament before it halts its business ahead of the upcoming general election.

Speaking as MPs accepted Lords amendments to the Bill, business minister Kevin Hollinrake told the Commons: “It’s an historic day because convictions will, as a result of this legislation, be overturned on royal assent – and with His Majesty’s agreement that means they will be overturned tomorrow.”

The Bill will quash convictions of theft, fraud, false accounting and other offences for subpostmasters who have suffered as a consequence of the Horizon scandal, and relevant cautions will be deleted from records – affecting those who were prosecuted from 1996 to 2018.

Those whose convictions are quashed will then be eligible to receive compensation payments from the Horizon Convictions Redress Scheme, which will be set up after the legislation is passed.

The Scottish Parliament will pass its own law to a similar effect north of the border, because of Scotland’s distinct legal system.

Andy Gregory24 May 2024 07:47

Vennells took advice not to review cases to avoid ‘front page news’

Ex-Post Office boss Paula Vennells followed a “grossly improper” suggestion to not review all subpostmaster prosecutions after a PR adviser said it would end up “front page news”, the Horizon IT inquiry heard on Thursday.

The public gallery at the inquiry, made up of mainly subpostmasters, groaned loudly after Ms Vennells said she did not remember if she took the “advice of the PR guy” not to review past prosecutions.

The probe was shown an email exchange between Ms Vennells and then director of communications Mark Davies in July 2013 in which she said she would “take your steer” after he said looking at all past cases would be “in media terms… very high profile”.

Ms Vennells agreed with the suggestion by inquiry lead counsel Jason Beer KC that, had the Post Office acted to review all prosecutions of false accounting, it “may well have” avoided the “lost decade” until miscarriages of justice involving subpostmasters were discovered.

Josh Payne has the full report:

Vennells took advice not to review cases to avoid ‘front page news’

Paula Vennells was answering questions as part of her second day of evidence to the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry

Andy Gregory24 May 2024 07:42

Paula Vennells set for third and final day of testimony

Ex-Post Office chief executive Paula Vennells is set for her third and final day of evidence – unless she is recalled to testify again to the inquiry at a later date.

With the inquiry’s lead counsel Jason Beer KC having finished his questions, Paula Vennells will today face a grilling from lawyers on behalf of subpostmasters.

Such showdowns with other Post Office bosses earlier in the inquiry have proved to be combustible bouts.

The former boss has already faced a bruising two days this week, breaking down in tears multiple times on Wednesday as she apologised to subpostmasters and was quizzed on her reaction to the death of former subpostmaster Martin Griffiths.

And on Thursday, there were audible groans from the public gallery after emails showed Ms Vennells had appeared to suggest that “managing the media” was a priority over reviewing Horizon cases.

Andy Gregory24 May 2024 07:37

Good morning, and thanks for joining us on our Post Office inquiry blog, where we’ll be bringing you live updates on Paula Vennells third and final day of testimony.

Andy Gregory24 May 2024 07:25

‘Completely unfair’ for Post Office to maintain there were not ‘system issues’ with Horizon

Paula Vennells has said it was “completely unfair” of the Post Office to maintain that there were no systemic errors in Horizon.

Counsel to the inquiry Jason Beer KC asked if a “frequent refrain” of the Post Office in 2014 was that there were no systemic errors in Horizon.

Ms Vennells replied: “It was, and it was wrong ... it was completely unfair to use in the business.”

Andy Gregory23 May 2024 02:35

Vennells asked why ‘folklore’ about Horizon was circulating within Post Office

Counsel to the inquiry Jason Beer KC asked Paula Vennells why a number of “false statements” or “folklore” about Horizon were circulating within the Post Office.

Mr Beer put to her that the Post Office falsely believed that every time it went to court it won, that there were no faults in Horizon and that there was no remote access for Fujitsu. Ms Vennells responded: “At the time they were not considered to be false statements. The source of those statements, I can’t recall clearly, but on something like this the only possible source of this statement would have been through the Post Office legal team.

“So the answer for all of them would be to look for where the expertise sat within the organisation as to the genesis of what we now know are false statements.”

Mr Beer asked if it is a “serious issue” if “folklore develops” which has “no foundation in fact”.

Ms Vennells said: “I agree.”

Mr Beer also asked if it says something about the culture of the Post Office if “such folklore developed or was perpetuated and nobody checked the real facts?”

Ms Vennells replied: “That’s a difficult question to answer because in hindsight it is completely valid. At the time, certainly where I was concerned, I believed that I was getting information from the people who were employed to give me the best advice because of their expertise. I didn’t believe that any of those things were folklore at all.”

Andy Gregory23 May 2024 01:24

Six more former Post Office workers have convictions quashed

Six more former Post Office workers have had their convictions for offences including theft and fraud quashed amid the Horizon IT scandal, lawyers have said.

One of the six, Sushma Blaggan, attended the nearby inquiry shortly after her theft conviction from 2004 was quashed to see former Post Office boss Paula Vennells give evidence.

Assad Alli, Marion Chapman, Thomas Mulhall, Kimberly Connors and Seema Rahman also had their convictions overturned on Wednesday at a Southwark Crown Court hearing which took place at the Royal Courts of Justice in central London.

Andy Gregory23 May 2024 00:27

Paula Vennells shown damning text from ex-Royal Mail chief over Post Office scandal

Paula Vennells has been confronted with a damning text from the former chief executive of the Royal Mail suggesting she knew about flaws in the Horizon IT system used by the Post Office.

“I think you knew,” the ex-Post Office boss was told by Canadian-born Moya Greene, who was in charge of the Royal Mail for eight years.

Ms Vennells replied, telling Ms Greene: “No Moya, that isn’t the case.”

But, in an exchange of messages shown to the official Post Office Horizon IT inquiry, Ms Greene told Ms Vennells she could no longer support her “after what I have learned”.

Archie Mitchell reports:

Paula Vennells shown damning text from ex-Royal Mail chief: ‘I think you knew’

‘I think you knew,’ the ex-Post Office boss was told by Canadian-born Moya Greene, who was in charge of the Royal Mail for eight years

Andy Gregory22 May 2024 23:41

Watch: Paula Vennells claims she was ‘too trusting’ when asked if she was UK’s ‘unluckiest CEO’

Paula Vennells claims she was ‘too trusting’ when asked if she was UK’s ‘unluckiest CEO’
Andy Gregory22 May 2024 22:57

Vennells ‘did not register’ briefing on remote Horizon data removal

Paula Vennells said she “did not register” a briefing given before she gave evidence to the select committee which said that if she was pushed further when being questioned she could say there was “functionality” in Horizon for the Post Office or Fujitsu to edit, manipulate or remove transaction data once it has been recorded in a branch’s accounts.

She added that she “did not reach a conclusion” that meant she was giving “inaccurate information to the select committee”.

Andy Gregory22 May 2024 22:16

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