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UK weather: Danger to life warnings issued, as month’s worth of rain set to hit over 30 hours

Latest updates as gale force winds of up to 60mph set to hit UK with potential for powercuts

Emma Snaith
Friday 25 October 2019 16:18 BST
UK weather: The latest Met Office forecast

The Met Office has issued “danger to life” warnings with Britain set to be hit by a month’s worth of rain over just 30 hours.

Homes could be hit with powercuts and communities cut off as downpours arrive across the UK on Friday, forecasters warned. Gale-force winds of up to 60mph will also batter some regions and the first snow of the season might hit higher ground.

A yellow weather warning for rain is in place from 12pm on Friday until midnight on Saturday, covering most of Wales and the south west of England, plus a swathe of the north stretching from Birmingham to Carlisle.

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Flood warning in place on Dorset coast

Flooding is expected in Lymme Regis Harbour on the Dorset Coast with immediate action required, the Environment agency said. 

Waves and spray are expected to overtop sea defences as a result of spring tides and strong winds just before 6am on Saturday morning. 

emma.snaith25 October 2019 15:23

Temporary flood barriers put up in Cheshire 

The Environment Agency has put up temporary flood barriers in Northwich, Cheshire, in preparation for heavy rain set to hit region over the next few days.

emma.snaith25 October 2019 15:36

Traffic authorities warn of downpours in South Wales

Traffic authorities have warned drivers to take care on the roads as heavy rain hits South Wales with the potential for flooding. 

emma.snaith25 October 2019 15:57

That's all today for our live coverage of the latest UK weather forecasts.

emma.snaith25 October 2019 16:16

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