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Boris Johnson news: PM accused of ‘spectacular’ failure on climate change, as David Cameron rejects summit role offer

Adam Forrest,Lizzy Buchan,Ashley Cowburn
Wednesday 05 February 2020 16:00 GMT
Corbyn accuses Johnson of failing 'spectacularly' on climate change

Boris Johnson has been accused of “failing so spectacularly to measure up to the scale of the climate crisis” by Jeremy Corbyn amid confusion over the UK’s preparations for the crucial COP26 climate summit.

Former PM David Cameron turned down an offer to head up the summit after Claire Perry O’Neill was sacked last week, leaving no-one in charge of the gathering in Glasgow. Mr Corbyn suggested ex-Labour leader Ed Miliband would be “suitable”.

Elsewhere, culture secretary Baroness Morgan has denied a review into licence fee evasion was an “attack on the BBC”. And Labour’s Diane Abbott has been criticised for claiming former speaker John Bercow’s alleged bullying of an ex-military officer was “unlikely”.

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MP launches legal bid on work rights for asylum seekers

Asylum seekers who have waited more than six months for a decision on their claim would be given the right to work under a new bill brought forward in parliament.

The SNP’s Carol Monaghan accused the government of “wasting the talents of thousands of people” as she launched a Commons bid to halve the wait for those seeking asylum to be allowed to work.

Our correspondent Lizzy Buchan has all the details:

Adam Forrest5 February 2020 15:05

Government ‘taking no chances’ on coronavirus, says health secretary

Matt Hancock has said ministers are “taking no chances” with British citizens at risk of coronavirus as the Foreign Office scheduled its last evacuation flight from China.

The Foreign Office has urged all British nationals to leave China after the outbreak continued to claim lives. Hancock told the BBC the advice was a “science-led approach” based on the severity of the virus and its impact in China.

Asked how logistically Britons are expected to return to the UK, he said: “There are still commercial flights available.

“The principle that we are taking is that we want to take no chances with this virus. We want to take a science-led approach. The approach we have been taking is very much driven by the advice of the chief medical officer.”

Hancock said two patients confirmed to have the virus in the UK remain in quarantine, while a Briton has tested negative after falling ill on a flight back from China.

Adam Forrest5 February 2020 15:15

Government aims to introduce emergency legislation on terrorist offenders to by 27 February

Emergency legislation to prevent the automatic release of terrorist offenders who may continue to pose a threat to the public is to be introduced in the House of Commons on 11 February and complete its passage by the start of recess on 13 February, a Whitehall official has said.

It will begin its passage through the Lords in 25 February and must gain royal assent by 27 February to prevent any further automatic releases under the existing system.

It is understood that one inmate deemed a risk to the public is due for release at the end of February and five more in March.

Ashley Cowburn5 February 2020 15:19

Hospitals must create secure pods for suspected coronavirus patients, leaked NHS documents reveals

All NHS hospitals in England have been ordered to create secure areas for coronavirus testing to “avoid a surge in emergency departments”, according to a leaked letter.

Hospitals have been told to create “coronavirus priority assessment pods” where people will be checked for the virus.

The letter, seen by The Independent and dated 31 January, instructs all chief executives and medical directors to have the pods up and running no later than 7 February.

Our health correspondent Shaun Lintern has more details in our exclusive story:

Adam Forrest5 February 2020 15:35
Ashley Cowburn5 February 2020 16:01

Exclusive: Rebecca Long-Bailey calls for Heathrow expansion to be ditched to combat climate emergency

Labour leadership contender Rebecca Long-Bailey has insisted Heathrow expansion must be ditched if the UK is to meet its aim of reaching net zero carbon emissions and tackling the climate emergency.

In an interview with The Independent the frontbencher – one of four candidates vying to replace Jeremy Corbyn – labelled No 10’s handling of this year’s Glasgow climate change summit as a "shambles” after the sacking of its president.

Despite Labour suffering its worst electoral defeat of the post-war era, Ms Long-Bailey, the most aligned to Mr Corbyn’s left-wing policies in the race, also claimed she had what it takes to deliver a majority Labour government in 2024.

Ashley Cowburn5 February 2020 16:28

Miliband should be named president of UN climate change summit, Corbyn suggests

Boris Johnson should consider appointing Ed Miliband president of the upcoming United Nations climate change summit in Glasgow, Jeremy Corbyn’s office has suggested.

The suggestion came after it emerged that Mr Johnson was facing difficulties filling the high-profile role after sacking his first choice, the former energy minister Claire Perry O’Neill.

Ashley Cowburn5 February 2020 16:49

Boris Johnson holds "People's PMQs" from Downing Street

Asked when his points based immigration will come into effect, he says Brexit was delivered on Friday and the system will be implemented after the transition period.

"I don't want us to be slamming the door," he adds. 

Asked what he intends to do about the justice system - and the "lenient sentences given out by judges" - he says he is bringing forward legislation to end the automatic early release of terrorist offenders, and those serving sentences for serious crimes.

"It's got to be done," the PM says.

Ashley Cowburn5 February 2020 17:17

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