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Downing Street launches investigation after Boris Johnson fooled by Russian pranksters - as it happened

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Benjamin Kentish
Political Correspondent
Thursday 24 May 2018 15:20 BST
Boris Johnson gets duped by Russian pranksters

Downing Street has launched an investigation into how Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, spent 18 minutes speaking on the phone to two Russian pranksters pretending to be the Armenian prime minister.

Earlier in the day, the Commons' Brexit committee warned that the UK remaining in the customs union well into the next decade is likely to be the "only viable option".

The commitee's report was endorsed by all committee members, including prominent Brexiteers such as Jacob Rees-Mogg.

It comes as Jeremy Corbyn warned that Tory 'fantasists' risk undermining peace in Northern Ireland.

Delivering a speech in Belfast, the Labour leader said the Conservatives' "reckless" approach to Brexit "risks undermining and destabilising the cooperation and relative harmony of recent years".

The speech took place amid controversy over Mr Corbyn's renewed calls for a united Ireland.

Elsewhere, the UK and the EU were again at loggerheads - this time over Brussels' plan to exclude Britain from the Galileo satellite project.

As it happened...


NEW: Downing Street has announced an official investigation into how Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, ended up speaking on the phone to two Russian pranksters for 18 minutes.

Speaking at the afternoon briefing of Westminster journalists, a No 10 spokesperson said: "Obviously this should never have happened. An investigation is underway to determine the circumstances and make sure this doesn't happen again."

Kristin Hugo24 May 2018 16:20

Tory MP Andrea Jenkyns has announced she is stepping down from her role as a Parliamentary Private Secretary at the Ministry of Housing in order to spend more time campaigning on Brexit - specifically to "concentrate more of my time on obtaining the right Brexit for our country and my constituents".

Jenkyns also sits on the Commons' Brexit committee and launched a scathing attack on her colleagues. She said:

"Currently, there are 21 members on the Brexit committee, only 7 of which voted to leave the EU. It is my opinion that the reports produced by the committee have been unbalanced in favour of us either remaining in the EU, the customs union or delaying our departure. I, therefore, feel I need to spend more of my time doing all I can do to correct this imbalance and be a robust voice for the benefits of Brexit. 

During my time on the committee, it has become clear that some of my colleagues are committed to upsetting the democratic decision of the British people. Over the past few months, this situation has caused me much frustration, but since this disparity is unlikely to change I feel it is my duty to give the necessary attention to this vitally important role."

Kristin Hugo24 May 2018 16:38

That's all for today - thanks for following. You can keep up to date with all the latest UK politics news here.

Kristin Hugo24 May 2018 17:32

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