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Brexit vote result - LIVE: Cabinet ministers rebel as Theresa May's bid to keep no-deal Brexit on the table ends in yet another humiliating defeat

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Ashley Cowburn
Political Correspondent
Wednesday 13 March 2019 21:52 GMT
What happens now with Brexit?

Theresa May has suffered a humiliating defeat after MPs voted to completely take the option of a no-deal Brexit off the table.

MPs voted by 312 votes to 308 in favour of an amendment that was stronger than the government's own motion in its opposition to a no-deal outcome.

Ms May's motion said the Commons "declines to approve" leaving without a deal on March 29, but said the only way to avoid this is to pass an agreement. The amendment passed by MPs removed this caveat and simply said the Commons "rejects" a no-deal Brexit.

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​Earlier, chancellor Philip Hammond used his Spring Statement to downgrade growth forecasts and warn MPs that uncertainty over Brexit was damaging the economy.

It came after ministers revealed plans to scrap tariffs in the event of the UK crashing out of the European Union without a deal as MPs prepare to vote on a no-deal Brexit.

Under a temporary and unilateral regime, EU goods arriving from the Republic of Ireland and remaining in Northern Ireland will not be subject to tariffs – a prospect likely to increase the risk UK jobs would be lost. Charges will however be payable on goods moving from the EU into the rest of the UK via Northern Ireland under a schedule of rates also released today.


Treasury chief secretary Liz Truss suggests the Brexit deal could be brought back to the Commons and win majority support - despite twice being rejected by large margins.

"I think it is still alive, I do," Ms Truss told BBC Radio 4.

"Ultimately, when you look at the alternatives - which are a customs union, no Brexit or no-deal - Theresa May's deal is more attractive than those other three options.

"I think that's the conclusion MPs will ultimately come to."

Ms Truss said she was "not inclined" to vote for the government motion in Wednesday's free vote, telling PM: "I'm going to vote to keep no-deal on the table."

Ashley Cowburn13 March 2019 18:00
Ashley Cowburn13 March 2019 18:25
Ashley Cowburn13 March 2019 18:53

Despite Caroline Spelman's wish not to move her amendment on a no-deal Brexit, the Labour MP Yvette Cooper - a co-signatory - has decided to move it herself. 

Expect the result in around 15 minutes. 

It "rejects the UK leaving the EU without a withdrawal agreement a framework for the future relationship".

Ashley Cowburn13 March 2019 19:03

MPs have voted 312 - 307 to back Caroline Spelman's amendment

A government defeat of four.

Ashley Cowburn13 March 2019 19:17
Ashley Cowburn13 March 2019 19:26

The "Malthouse" amendment - tabled by Conservative MPs - has been voted down by 374-164.

This sought to push for a so-called "managed no-deal" by seeking a transition period, without an agreement in place - something the EU has already categorically rejected.

Ashley Cowburn13 March 2019 19:36

MPs are now voting on the main government motion to reject leaving the EU without a deal on 29 March "and notes that leaving without a deal remains the default". 

But the government is now opposing it's own motion, due to the fact it has been undesirably amended by backbenchers.

Result shortly.

Ashley Cowburn13 March 2019 19:45

Theresa May has lost another vote - on her own main no-deal motion.

At the last minute, the PM decided to whip against her own motion as it had been undesirably amended moments earlier.

But despite the efforts of government whips, she lost the vote and the motion passed by 321-278 - a significant margin.

It is reported that cabinet ministers abstained in the vote, and their jobs could now be on the line as the government had imposed a three-line whip, ordering them to vote against.

Ashley Cowburn13 March 2019 19:50

Theresa May is now speaking, she says that despite the vote of MPs to demand the government rule out a no-deal, it remains the default option if no deal is reached.

Ashley Cowburn13 March 2019 20:02

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