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Theresa May speech - live updates: Labour accuses dancing Conservative leader of 'pinching' ideas, after she declares end of austerity

Follow all the latest updates live from the Conservative Party conference

Ashley Cowburn
Political Correspondent, in Birmingham
,Lizzy Buchan
Wednesday 03 October 2018 12:57 BST
Theresa May declares 'austerity is over' after decade of cuts

Theresa May has declared "austerity is over" in her keynote address to the Conservative conference, where she also warns splits over Brexit risked derailing Britain's departure from the EU.

In what was one of the most important speeches of her political career, the prime minister borrowed Jeremy Corbyn's "for the many, not the few," slogan, declaring the Conservatives are a "party not for the few, not even the many, but for everyone who is willing to work hard and do their best."

The prime minister strutted onto the stage to Abba's Dancing Queen - to mock herself grooving on a recent trip to Africa - and also included a self-deprecating joke about last year's disastrous conference address.


On May’s claim today that austerity is over, @BenChu_ says unless Hammond announces a reversal of planned welfare cuts, the PMs “words can be dismissed as political rhetoric, rather than economic or fiscal substance”. End of this month will be real test.…

Ashley Cowburn3 October 2018 19:17

Only at Conservative conference do you almost end up doing “Angels” on karaoke with an Earl

Benjamin Kentish3 October 2018 19:29

Party conference season over. Who did most to boost their credentials?

Benjamin Kentish3 October 2018 19:39

Have we had a "Who said it: Kanye or Corbyn" yet?

tompeck10003 October 2018 20:19

Can Theresa May legitimately say that ‘austerity’ is over?…

Joe Watts3 October 2018 20:41

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