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Hunt attacks Starmer for ‘fake news’ as Chancellor hints another National Insurance tax cut – UK politics live

The Chancellor has released a 19-page report accusing the Labour party of digging a £38 billion black hole with Starmer’s campaign pledges

Salma Ouaguira
Friday 17 May 2024 15:37 BST
Hunt attacks Labour and says he refutes 'myths' the economy is worse under Tories

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt unveiled new tax cuts if the Conservatives win the general election as he accuses Labour of “playground politics” following Sir Keir Starmer’s speech on Thursday.

Speaking from London, he hinted at further National Insurance cuts before the general election kicks off after Summer.

He claimed Labour’s electoral pledges would cost tax payers £59 billion over the next four years and accused Labour of “lying” and labelled “fake news” their economic plans.

He has also pledged “taxes will go down under a Conservative government” and accused Sir Keir Starmer of planning to hikes as “sure as night follows day”.

Meanwhile, David Lammy has launched Labour’s foreign policy campaign pledge as he vowed voters to reinstall trust between the UK and the EU amid security threats.

He added the country is currently facing key challenges around war and security, over-dependency with unfriendly states, and low growth around West.


Chancellor to announce new tax cuts in speech

Jeremy Hunt is set to unveil further tax cuts in a speech from London this morning.

As part of his pre-election pledge, the Tory MP will attempt to convince voters by promising “taxes will go down under a Conservative government”.

He will also accuse Labour opposite number Rachel Reeves of planning hikes to cover spending pledges.

Mr Hunt will: “Labour like to criticise tax rises this parliament thinking people don’t know why they have gone up – the furlough scheme, the energy price guarantee and billions of pounds of cost-of-living support, policies Labour themselves supported.

“Which is why it is playground politics to use those tax rises to distract debate from the biggest divide in British politics – which is what happens next.

“Conservatives recognise that whilst those tax rises may have been necessary, they should not be permanent. Labour do not.”

Jeremy Hunt will accuse Labour of hiking taxes to fund new pledges
Jeremy Hunt will accuse Labour of hiking taxes to fund new pledges (PA Wire)
Salma Ouaguira17 May 2024 08:30

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