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Westminster today: Theresa May faces senior MPs questions over Cambridge Analytica and Vote Leave row - as it happened

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Lizzy Buchan
Political Correspondent
,Benjamin Kentish
Tuesday 27 March 2018 14:00 BST
Cambridge Analytica whistleblower: If we allow any amount of cheating in a democratic election, the problem will snowball

Whistleblower Christopher Wylie has appeared before MPs to discuss his work at scandal-hit Cambridge Analytica, as Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg turned down an invitation to give evidence to Parliament on the row.

Mr Wylie sparked an international outcry when he revealed the firm had harvested Facebook data from more than 50 million users, which was used to influence voters in Donald Trump's 2016 presidential run.

​Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson appeared before MPs this morning following news of the mass expulsions of Russian spies from the US and other allies, to show their support for Britain over the Salisbury nerve agent attack.

Theresa May, meanwhile, was grilled about the Cambridge Analytica row and Brexit during an appearance in front of the Liaison Committee. She announced a new funding model for the NHS will be introduced within the next year.

As it happened...


Kristin Hugo27 March 2018 17:47

BREAKING: Theresa May reveals a new, long-term funding system for the NHS will be introduced in the next year. She says:

"This year - and in advance of next year's spending review - I do want to come forward with a long-term plan. I want that to be done in conjunction [with NHS leaders] and provide a multi-year funding settlement consistent with our fiscal rules and balanced approach."

She admitted there are "serious cost and demand pressures" on the health service but said she hopes "no-one doubts my personal commitment" to the NHS.

"I rely on the NHS every day as a diabetic," she added. "I'm eternally grateful to the NHS."

Kristin Hugo27 March 2018 18:05
Kristin Hugo27 March 2018 18:14

That's all for today's live updates - see you tomorrow!

Kristin Hugo27 March 2018 18:56

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