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Donald Trump inauguration: Billionaire TV star becomes US President - as it happened

Former reality television star and property magnate sworn in at Capitol

Rachael Revesz
Washington DC
,Andrew Buncombe,Lizzie Dearden
Friday 20 January 2017 08:20 GMT
Trump takes oath to become 45th President

Donald Trump has been sworn in as US President. Here is how the day's events unfolded:

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President Donald Trump is making his way down Constitution Avenue with a military escort as his inauguration parade begins in Washington.

The president will review the parade from a viewing stand near the White House.

He and first lady Melania Trump are riding in the presidential limousine nicknamed "The Beast."

Trump is being cheered by supporters as his car passes.

Others are shouting "Media sucks" while a group of protesters chants, "Not my president, not my president."

Earlier Mr Trump — in brief remarks at his inaugural lunch at the Capitol — said he was honoured that Hillary Clinton, his rival in the White House race, came to the event.

The bipartisan crowd of lawmakers and other dignitaries gave Clinton a standing ovation after Trump asked her to rise.

Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, sat with members of Trump's family at the event.

Trump ended by saying he has "a lot of respect for those two people."

Mr Trump was named the 45th President of the United States at midday on Friday. His inauguration was met with protests across Washington DC.

Lizzie Dearden20 January 2017 20:22

Lizzie Dearden20 January 2017 20:24

Lizzie Dearden20 January 2017 20:27

Southern Poverty Law Center President Richard Cohen said on twitter: "I've just finished watching President Trump's inauguration. In his inaugural address Trump said 'there is no room for prejudice.’ But the reality is he ran a campaign infected by racism and xenophobia."

Lizzie Dearden20 January 2017 20:29

The military band has started - walking past the Capitol as the President, First Lady, Vice President and his wife watch on. He salutes them.

Lizzie Dearden20 January 2017 20:34

The First and Second families head for the 'The Beast' limousine which will head down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House. But will they walk any part of the way? Jimmy Carter walked the whole distance.

Lizzie Dearden20 January 2017 20:37

The convoy is flanked by at least 20 security men and women, walking alongside the cars.

Lizzie Dearden20 January 2017 20:39

The convoy is on its way, crawling down the road - the distance is about a mile and a half to the White House

Lizzie Dearden20 January 2017 20:51

Ivanka Trump tweets from inside one of the vehicles in the convoy:

Lizzie Dearden20 January 2017 20:56
Lizzie Dearden20 January 2017 21:02

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