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Hurricane Lane: Shelters open as Hawaii residents prepare for floods and rain as storm closes in

Tropical storm-force winds, excessive rain and large swells are likely as storm passes

Samuel Osborne,Clark Mindock
Thursday 23 August 2018 23:44 BST
Hurricane Lane approaches Hawaii

Hawaii residents are bracing for “life threatening” winds and flooding as Hurricane Lane, a Category 4 storm, continues its progress towards the state.

Many have been stockpiling food, water and other supplies as schools were closed until further notice and the coast guard warned the public to prepare.

With effects from the hurricane expected to begin hitting Hawaiian islands as soon as Wednesday, Governor David Ige has already signed a state of emergency in anticipation of the storm that had sustained winds of 155 mph as it approached the islands from the southwest. Schools in the island have been shut down as well.

"This will allow us to line up services and resources prior so that we can keep our communities safe," Mr Ige wrote in a tweet announcing his decision. "Never seen such dramatic changes in forecast track as with Hurricane Lane. Urging residents to prepare for a significant impact".

Meanwhile, officials have warned residents to shelter in place during the storm if possible, noting that Hawaii does not have enough shelter space to house everyone on the island.

President Donald Trump also weighed in, saying: "Everyone in the path of Hurricane Lane please prepare yourselves, heed the advice of State and local officials and follow @NWSHonolulu for updates. Be safe!"

The National Weather Service has issued a hurricane warning for Hawaii island and a hurricane watch for Oahu, Maui and other smaller islands, meaning tropical storm-force winds, excessive rain and large swells could arrive starting on Wednesday — and storm conditions are likely to last through at least Saturday. A hurricane warning had already been extended from Hawaii's Big Island to the island of Maui on Wednesday, according to the National Weather Service.

While Lane had previously gained strength to become a Category 5 storm — marking just one of two recorded instances of a storm of that strength passing within 350 miles of the southern point of Big Island — conditions were not sustainable for that speed, and it was quickly dec-categorised. Lane is expected, according to forecasts, to pass close by the southern tip of the Hawaiian islands at 2 pm local time Thursday, and then travel north until it hits close to northern portions at 2 pm Friday, and then veer westward into the Pacific Ocean.

Additional reporting by agencies


Astronauts aboard the International Space Station have posted some brilliant photos of Hurricane Lane, as seen from the heavens.

Ricky Arnold, an American astronaut from Maryland, snapped the photos and sent his love on Twitter.

Kristin Hugo22 August 2018 19:27

Hurricane Lane's approach comes during a major tourism season, especially for families looking to spend some quality time together.

While not the top season for travel to the islands — that would be in winter months, when most of the rest of the US has crummy and cold weather — the month of August attracts some significant traffic.

Last year, for instance, state data says 815,949 people visited the state of Hawaii, an increase of 4.8 per cent compared to the year before.

Kristin Hugo22 August 2018 19:53

State officials say that there are not enough shelters to house everyone who might be impacted by Hurricane Lane once its effects start to be felt there.

Hawaii State Emergency Management Administrator Tom Travis said during a news conference on Wednesday that residents who are not in flood zones should shelter in place, instead of crowding the state-run shelters.

"The sheltering policy should — if you're not in a flood zone, most citizens should remain in their homes," Mr Travis said. "If in a flood zone, actively seek shelter elsewhere with someone not in a flood zone or in a public shelter".

That directive falls in line with a report from the state warning of the hazards Hawaii faces since it only has 277,376 available shelter spaces for the population of 1.4 million on the island.

"Hurricane evacuation shelters are a last resort option for residents and visitors who do not have a safer place to stay," that report read. "There are insufficient hurricane evacuation shelters to meet the estimated demand of the population and these shelters have no supplies".

Kristin Hugo22 August 2018 20:05

The Navy has begun sending some of its ships and submarines out to sea in anticipation of the high winds and heavy rains expected to hit the island later this week when Hurricane Lane creeps closer to Hawaii.

"Based on the current track of the storm, we made the decision to begin to sortie the Pearl Harbor-based ships," Rear Adm. Brian Fort, Naval Surface Group Middle Pacific commander, said. "This allows the ships enough time to transit safely out of the path of the storm."

This ships, according to a statement, will be positioned to help with conditions on the island once the hurricane is gone.

Kristin Hugo22 August 2018 20:34

For any of our readers in Hawaii with some furry friends, here are some tips to keep your pets safe during Hurricane Lane, per PetMd.

1. Make a plan, and be prepared for what you will do when the hurricane hits and if things get drastic.

2. "Be a stickler", meaning, stick to whatever plan you make. For instance: If your plan is to leave town as soon as danger is apparent, then take off at an appropriate time for that plan. Otherwise you may be putting your pet in danger.

3. Make an emergency kit for your pet. A kit should include things like enough water for three days, non-perishable food, a solid carrier, litter, a litter box, puppy pads, plastic bags, medicine and medical records, a picture of your pet (in case you are separated from your pet), and an extra leash.

4. If you're staying at your home while the hurricane hits, keep your pet in a carrier when it is expected to hit. You never know when you might have to evacuate, and you don't want to have to waste time finding your pet if you do.

5. Similar to the last one, make sure that you're prepared with everything you need if you're staying home. Stay tuned to news reports as the hurricane comes in, and heed evacuation orders if you get them.

6. Finally, you have to stay calm for the good of your pet. Pets can sense anxiety on the part of their owners — so keeping chill can go a long way towards keeping your pet relaxed.

Kristin Hugo22 August 2018 20:50

Airlines servicing Hawaii are waiving change fees for travelers with booked flights that fall within certain date ranges that will likely be impacted by Hurricane Lane.

Alaska and Hawaiian are among those airlines that are providing a one-time reservation change free of cost to travelers with tickets on specific dates.

For Alaska, customers who are flying between August 22 and 25 can request the free change. For customers with Hawaiian, the range is from August 21 to 26.

Kristin Hugo22 August 2018 21:03

Several petrol stations around Hawaii are reportedly running out of gas as Hurricane Lane approaches the island chain.

Users on Twitter are posting photos of the dried up stations. Some have described chaotic scenes at the stations where there is gas left to tap, as people prepare for the storm to bring fierce winds and heavy rains later this week.

Kristin Hugo22 August 2018 21:16

The International Space Station has captured a great video showing the massive size of Hurricane Lane, which is expected to bring heavy winds and rains to Hawaiian islands later this week.

Kristin Hugo22 August 2018 21:20

The first emergency shelters are preparing to open as Hurricane Lane heads toward Hawaii. 

Officials plan to open shelters at some schools on the islands of Maui, Molokai and Lanai at 2pm local time - about two hours from now - with check-in an hour earlier for people with special needs. 

Officials on other islands say they will open shelters when needed. 

Maui County remains under a hurricane warning, along with the Big Island. 

A hurricane watch is in effect for the islands of Oahu, Kauai and Niihau. 

Steve Anderson22 August 2018 22:53

With that, we are closing out coverage for now. Thanks for reading.

Steve Anderson22 August 2018 23:42

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