Real Madrid demand ‘answers’ after Champions League final chaos in Paris

Madrid have raised concerns about fans being attacked outside the stadium after the match

Lawrence Ostlere
Friday 03 June 2022 11:13 BST
Real Madrid fans attempt to enter the Stade de France
Real Madrid fans attempt to enter the Stade de France (AFP via Getty Images)
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Real Madrid have demanded answers from Uefa and French authorities after fans were caught up in chaos surrounding the Champions League final in Paris last week.

Since the game much of the focus has been on Liverpool fans, with French ministers repeatedly blaming them for arriving at the Stade de France with false tickets, despite producing little evidence to prove this was either true or the root cause of the problems. This reaction has only added to the outrage of fans who were made to wait for hours in confined spaces and were on the receiving end of teargas and pepper spray by police.

Now Madrid have released a statement adding their concerns about the handling of the biggest club match in European football, highlighting reports of attacks on fans outside the stadium.

“As clearly seen in the the images, many fans were violently assaulted, harrassed, robbed and mugged,” Madrid’s statement read. “Some incidents evn took place while fans were driving in cars or on buses, fearing for their safety. Some of them even spent the night in hospital after their injuries.

“We ask for answers and explanations that determine who was responsible for leaving the fans helpless and defenseless, supporters whose general behaviour was at all times exemplary.”

The statement added: “Football has transmitted to the world an image far removed from the values ​​and objectives that it must always pursue. Our followers and fans deserve a response and that the relevant responsibilities be cleared up so that situations like the ones experienced are eradicated forever from football and sport.”

Real's response comes after Liverpool wrote to Uefa asking for clarity over how the planned report would be compiled.

The Premier League club, having swiftly called for a full investigation into the fiasco after the game, have given that news only a cautious welcome, feeling that the European governing body needs to give more detail.

Chief executive Billy Hogan told the club’s website: “We at Liverpool have been calling for an investigation into what happened in Paris on Saturday, not a report. I think those are two very different things. We’ve written to Uefa again today and we’ve raised specific questions – 13 specific questions – that we’d like them to clarify around the details of this investigation.

“We need clarity around what those points we are asking, the questions we’ve asked, to fully understand the proposed process. We just feel it’s incredibly important that we get this investigation going.”

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