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WWDC Apple event - as it happened : iOS 15, AirPods, Maps and privacy features announced

Anthony Cuthbertson,Andrew Griffin
Monday 07 June 2021 20:50 BST
Apple unveils ‘Legacy Contact’ that allows users to access data of deceased

Apple has held one of its biggest events of the year: the Worldwide Developers Conference.

The WWDC21 conference – and the keynote that kicked it off – serves as its annual reveal of all of the software updates it has been working on.

As such, there was a new iOS 15 for the iPhone introduced, updates for the Mac, and new features on the Watch. WWDC is unusual among Apple events in that every one of its software platforms gets an update of some kind, and that they are available to download for free – though most users will have to wait until later this year to get access to them.

Rumours that new versions of the MacBook Pro could be on their way, including a more powerful version of the company’s already powerful M1 chip, did not prove to be true.

As with every Apple event held over the last year, it was held entirely virtually.

You can view the live stream of the WWDC keynote right here, and view all the major updates as they happened below.


And iPadOS 15 right here...

Apple redesigns how the iPad works with new software update

Apple has revealed iPadOS 15, a new update for its tablet.

Anthony Cuthbertson7 June 2021 18:49

‘Let’s get into privacy'

Apple now turns the focus on privacy.

“We believe privacy is a fundamental human right,” Craig says. “We believe in protecting your privacy and giving you protection and control over your information.”

Anthony Cuthbertson7 June 2021 18:50

Apple introduces App Privacy report

Apple is introducing the App Privacy report, which will show you how often different apps are accessing your contacts, camera, and other presumably private features and information.

This is not good news for apps like Facebook, which rely on gathering as much user data as possible in order to serve online ads.

Privacy updates also coming to Mail and Safari, allowing users to hide their IP address from web trackers.

Anthony Cuthbertson7 June 2021 18:54

Apple Digital Legacy

Apple users will now be able to add certain contacts to their Digital Legacy function, meaning that those selected people will be able to access their photos, messages and other password-protected content after they die.

“When they’re gone, they can simply request access.”

Anthony Cuthbertson7 June 2021 18:57

Apple introduces Walking Steadiness

A brand feature could be a massive help for users in identifying and measuring potential health issues.

Walking Steadiness will provide new ways to reduce your risk of falling by measuring how fast and how evenly you walk. The metrics will provide insight into balance, stability and coordination. “This is the largest data set ever created for fall risk.”

The Health app will suggest exercises to help improve a user’s steadiness if it begins to drop.

Anthony Cuthbertson7 June 2021 19:05

Health Sharing

Apple is allowing users to share their health data with close contacts, like family members.

This would provide them with heart rate alerts, or drops in their mobility.

“You’ll have peace of mind and they’ll know they have a trusted partner on their health journey.”

All data will be encrypted on either end, so even Apple won’t have access to it. “Privacy is fundamental to the design in all our health features.”

Anthony Cuthbertson7 June 2021 19:09

Apple Watch improves functionality

We’re now onto Apple Watch updates.

WatchOS 8 will bring “new ways to workout”, such as brand new pilates regimes.

A new artist spotlight series will also bring workout playlists from singers like Lady Gaga and Alicia Keys.

Anthony Cuthbertson7 June 2021 19:12

Apple WatchOS 8 screen becomes ‘dynamic'

Photos on the watch face will now be dynamic, meaning the home screen will look layered.

Photos can also be shared with contacts directly from the smartwatch.

“WatchOS 8 makes it easy to send the perfect message right from your wrist,” Apple says.

Anthony Cuthbertson7 June 2021 19:15

Apple WatchOS 8 specs

Here’s the full rundown of WatchOS 8:

Anthony Cuthbertson7 June 2021 19:16

And you can read all about Apple WatchOS 8 right here:

The new Apple Watch update wants to try and calm you down

Apple has launched WatchOS 8, a new update for its wearable.

Anthony Cuthbertson7 June 2021 19:19

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