Even utility bosses are admitting that we need urgent action on energy bills

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Monday 22 August 2022 13:52 BST
Renationalisation of the utility companies is looking like an increasingly attractive solution
Renationalisation of the utility companies is looking like an increasingly attractive solution (Getty/iStockphoto)

Kevin Hollinrake MP is right to warn of people “on the streets”, as is Bill Bullen, the boss of Utilita, to demand the prime minister be replaced (or, at least, the current one get off his holidaying behind and act).

But here’s the thing. With gas prices 11 times higher than the doubling that caused so many energy companies to go bust last year, a forecast trebling of the price cap by April and the vacuous government we currently enjoy, there’s likely to be unrest as people face starvation, freezing or homelessness. We’ll also see the transfer of revenues to profitable mega companies while the smaller utilities go to the wall.

I’m sorry to say that renationalisation of the utility companies is looking like an increasingly attractive solution to the national emergency this government seems unwilling, or unable, to grasp. 

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