I don’t have faith in her, but it’s sexist to call Liz Truss ‘dim’

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Saturday 03 September 2022 16:29 BST
Patently ideological, gung-ho with her diplomatic gaffes and everything in between, but this slur can be perceived as sexist
Patently ideological, gung-ho with her diplomatic gaffes and everything in between, but this slur can be perceived as sexist (Getty)

I agree with Jess Phillips that it is a mistake to call Liz Truss “dim”. Patently ideological, gung-ho with her diplomatic gaffes and everything in between, but this slur can be perceived as sexist.

But like Phillips I have no great faith in her ability to dig this country out of the biggest economic hole it presently finds itself in and so far, I don’t see that she is willing or even able to see outside the limited remit of her tax-cutting strategies and rather vacuous “unleashing” modus operandi, to even want to try.

Yes, the hustings have been master classes of talking mainly to the converted and for the interested outsider, a mind-numbing and boring exercise bar none.

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