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It is the UK’s responsibility to recognise the State of Palestine

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Wednesday 22 May 2024 18:29 BST
We must follow the lead of Norway, Spain and, in particular, Ireland
We must follow the lead of Norway, Spain and, in particular, Ireland (PA Wire)

Politicians across all parties have for years given mealy-mouthed commitments to the elusive two-state solution as a way to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict. But how can they issue a commitment without recognising both states in question?

The UK has a historic responsibility to Palestine given the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and nothing short of recognition will suffice. We must follow the lead of Norway, Spain and, in particular, Ireland. If necessary, the international community should allow Israel and its allies to ostracise themselves.

The solution to the tragedy in the Middle East will be political, and only political pressure will bring about a resolution. And it will take political pressure within our own government to bring about recognition. What do we have to lose?

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