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Extinction Rebellion protests – live: Activists strip naked outside Barclays after police remove people glued to plants

Latest developments as they happen

Sam Hancock,Tom Batchelor,Eleanor Sly
Friday 03 September 2021 22:02 BST
Extinction Rebellion protestors strip naked in front of Barclays

Activists at the Extinction Rebellion protest have now been freed from the plant pots, onto which they had glued themselves, only to be been placed immediately into handcuffs and taken to a police van.

Others stripped naked infront of a branch of Barclays bank in protest, behind a banner which read: “We are all vulnerable, stop funding fossil fuels”.

Meanwhile, dozens of medical staff, including doctors, surgeons and anesthetists, gathered outside JP Morgan’s headquarters in London calling on the investment bank to divest from fossil fuels on Friday, with a warning that failing to act now would make the planet “uninhabitable”. 

Some protesters lay on the floor while others stood behind a giant banner reading “stop funding fossil fuels”.

Dr David McKelvey, a GP for 36 years, said: “We call on them to face up to the reality of catastrophe they are fuelling. Stop all new fossil fuel investments now.”

Police gathered at the Canary Wharf site and one nurse could be heard telling security “you’re hurting me, you’re really hurting me”.

JP Morgan declined to comment on the protest.

The action is the tenth day of the ongoing Impossible Rebellion, a series of protests by Extinction Rebellion and related groups on environmental issues.

On Thursday, activists from HS2 Rebellion, an offshoot of Extinction Rebellion, scaled the seven-storey Tower Place West building in the City of London which houses the offices of insurance company Marsh – linked to the HS2 rail project.


‘This is a medical emergency'

It’s a peaceful scene outside Canary Wharf’s DLR station, as XR doctors, nurses and other medical staff continue to occupy an area outside J P Morgan, writes our reporter Sam Hancock, who is at the protest in east London.

Dozens of medical staff, who have all taken a day off work to be here, are holding signs which read “this is a medical emergency” and “code red”. 

Some are continuing to hand out leaflets to commuters who walk by. 

“This is an act of communication,” Dr Lynne Jones OBE FRCPsych told The Independent. “I want to talk to people and help them understand why we are here - that’s why I’ve been approaching them and simply saying, ‘Do you want to know why we’re here’?

“And more often than not the response is yes, and they get it.”

Protesters held banners saying ‘code red’ and ‘this is a medical emergency’
Protesters held banners saying ‘code red’ and ‘this is a medical emergency’ (The Independent )
Tom Batchelor3 September 2021 09:55

2,000 officers police XR protests

Nearly 2,000 officers have been involved in policing Extinction Rebellion protests each day in London, a police chief has said.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Matt Twist, of the Metropolitan Police, told Times Radio: “It’s been extremely busy over the last 10 days, we’ve had nearly 2,000 police officers every day just looking at trying to manage these protests.

“This is because it’s not the numbers of protesters but it’s the level of serious disruption that they’re looking to cause, which is impacting on other Londoners.

“We’ve said right from the start, we know that Extinction Rebellion have the right to protest and the right to assemble.

“But what we also made clear is these are qualified rights and they have got to be balanced against the rights of the rest of London and Londoners, the people, the businesses, the communities who want to lawfully go about their business.

“Where we’ve seen cases of both very serious and totally unreasonable disruption looking to be caused, we have to take action and move in and make arrests.”

Tom Batchelor3 September 2021 10:07

Police arrest activists after JP Morgan protest - pictures

(Gareth Morris)
(Gareth Morris)
(Gareth Morris)
(Gareth Morris)
Tom Batchelor3 September 2021 10:20

Extinction Rebellion protesters removed from JP Morgan demonstration

Video footage shows the moment Extinction Rebellion protesters are removed by police at JP Morgan demonstration.

Here is the clip:

Watch: Extinction Rebellion protesters removed from J P Morgan demonstration

Video footage shows the moment Extinction Rebellion protesters are removed by police at JP Morgan demonstration.Dozens of medical staff, including doctors, surgeons and anesthetists, gathered outside the investment bank headquarters in London calling on it to divest from fossil fuels.Protesters were seen lying on the floor while others stood behind a giant banner reading ‘stop funding fossil fuels’ before being removed by Metropolitan Police.The protest comes on the tenth day of the ongoing Impossible Rebellion which is a series of protests by Extinction Rebellion and related groups on environmental issues.

Tom Batchelor3 September 2021 10:33

‘If I’d done nothing, this place would’ve been inhabitable'

Dr Robin Stott, a 79-year-old retired consultant who XR refer to as the granddaddy of medicine, told The Independent:“I’ve been aware of the climate and ecological emergency for 30 years and we doctors have tried all the conventional routes to make a difference - and as you know, it’s not made much of a difference. 

“So we need to do more, which makes movements like Extinction Rebellion very important.”He added that Doctors for XR, the group everyone here today is a part of, is “a vital ingredient to achieving change”.

After calling J P Morgan “monsters”, Dr Stott said he hoped if today could achieve one thing it would be for “these big corporations to stop investing in fossil fuels and start investing in the climate crisis and socially just causes”.

Asked what he hoped anyone skeptical of the movement would take away from today’s action, Dr Stott said: “Just go home, look your children in the eye and say to them, ‘In 50 years time, if I’d done nothing, this place would’ve been inhabitable’.” 

Dr Robin Stott, pictured second from right
Dr Robin Stott, pictured second from right (The Independent)
Tom Batchelor3 September 2021 10:36

Police erect ‘boxes’ to shield XR members glued to path

Police and Canary Wharf security have erected two makeshift ‘boxes’, shielding those XR members still glued to the path outside J P Morgan’s building.  There are three Doctors for XR members in the bigger fenced-in box, and two in the other, a spokesperson for the group confirmed. 

Security personnel are working to remove them. 

When asked to comment by The Independent, one guard declined. 

Tom Batchelor3 September 2021 10:42

Extinction Rebellion answer your questions about their protests in London

Amid two weeks of demonstrations demanding greater action to tackle the climate crisis, XR’s goals and their tactics are in the spotlight.

Here, the organisation’s Clare Farrell answered questions from The Independent’s readers:

Extinction Rebellion answer your questions about the wave of protests in London

Amid two weeks of demonstrations demanding greater action to tackle the climate crisis, XR’s goals and their tactics are in the spotlight. The organisation’s Clare Farrell answered questions from The Independent’s readers

Tom Batchelor3 September 2021 10:45

Dozens more police arrive at JP Morgan building

Dozens more police officers have now arrived at the JP Morgan building, as officers attempt to remove the doctors and medical students glued to the path. 

One of the fences has been removed, which revealed officers searching the bag of a medical student whose hand remains glued to a large flower pot outside the bank’s building. 

Those glued have also defaced the various flower pots with black graffiti, reading “code red”.

Police are asking all passers-by to move on as quickly as possible. 

Metropolitan Police officers could also be seen taking the details of those XR members still attached to the structures.  

Tom Batchelor3 September 2021 10:53

Heavy police presence remains as fence removed

The second temporary fence has now been removed, showing the rest of the doctors who are glued to planters outside J P Morgan. 

A heavy police presence remains, with most officers standing by as their colleagues attempt to remove the XR protestors. 

The rest of the group remain down the road, sitting outside the DLR station, where leaflets are being distributed and occasional chants of “extinction” and “rebellion” can be heard.  

Protesters with their hands stuck to the pavement outside JP Morgan
Protesters with their hands stuck to the pavement outside JP Morgan (The Independent)
Tom Batchelor3 September 2021 11:05

Glasgow has hottest summer on record ahead of Cop26 climate summit

Away from the XR protests, briefly, but still on the issue of the heating planet, Glasgow has recorded its hottest summer on record, just weeks ahead of hosting the critical UN Cop26 summit on tackling the worsening climate crisis.

The record-breaking heat in Scotland came during a summer defined by extreme weather events around the world, leading to catastrophic flooding and devastating wildfires in America and Canada, Europe and Russia and the Middle East and China.

Here is the story:

Glasgow has hottest summer on record ahead of Cop26 climate summit

UK as a whole has ninth-warmest summer ever with higher minimum temperatures bringing average up

Tom Batchelor3 September 2021 11:05

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