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Brexit news - live: Tories fear 'absolute hammering' at EU election as party slumps to fifth place in new poll

Lizzy Buchan
Political Correspondent
,Ashley Cowburn
Monday 13 May 2019 15:01 BST
Debunking claims a final say isn't possible with Femi Oluwole

Senior Labour figures have warned a cross-party Brexit deal will be "impossible" to get through the Commons unless it includes a fresh public vote.

In an escalation of pressure on Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, both shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer and deputy leader Tom Watson said up to 150 of the party's MPs could oppose any deal without a Final Say vote attached.

It comes as cross-party talks enter their seventh week, with pressure on both Theresa May and Mr Corbyn to walk away from the negotiations.

The latest session of talks began on Monday evening, with patience wearing out in the Tory ranks about Ms May's leadership and the attempt to strike a deal with Mr Corbyn's party.

Downing Street said the talks, which began in early April, had been "serious" but "difficult".

Asked if Monday's meeting between the negotiating teams was the "last chance" to make progress, the Prime Minister's official spokesman said: "Let's see how this evening plays out."

Foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt said this week would be "crunch week" for the cross-party negotiations, adding that another public vote "would be a betrayal of what people voted for, and we want to implement the first referendum".

This liveblog has now closed, but you can see Monday's events below


Nigel Farage has said that the Labour party is "vulnerable in the most extraordinary way" in Leave areas in the north of England.

The Brexit Party leader was speaking during a visit to Pontefract, West Yorkshire, part of Labour MP Yvette Cooper's constituency, where 70% of voters voted to leave the EU.

Mr Farage said he had seen a lot of anger and passion in Labour Leave areas in northern towns, as he toured the UK ahead of next week's European election.

He said: "The passion seems even stronger in Labour Leave areas than in Conservative Leave areas.

"Whether that's because people in the north of England wear their hearts on their sleeves more, I don't know."

Lizzy Buchan13 May 2019 15:10

New research published by the House of Commons claims the currently parliamentary session . is now the longest session since the English Civil War (1642-51).  

"It was already unusual, having lasted over three different calendar years, beginning on 13 June 2017. As of Friday it has run for 298 sitting days, and 2,657 hours and 56 minutes," the briefing paper states.

You can read more from the House of Commons Library: 

Ashley Cowburn13 May 2019 15:14

This is from Sky News' Alan McGuinness 

Ashley Cowburn13 May 2019 15:45

Downing Street has responded to the news that Honda is to close its Swindon plant in 2021 - costing 3,500 workers their jobs.

The Japanese company told workers at the Swindon factory that following a "meaningful and robust" consultation, no viable alternatives to the closure have been found.

Asked about the decision after an afternoon briefing, a spokesman for the prime minister said: "Clearly, this is a disappointing decision, despite the best efforts of local MPs, civic and business leaders and the trade unions since Honda's initial announcement in February. We recognise this is a worrying time for affected employees, their families and businesses in the supply chain.

"We will continue to work with the local community during the next phase of consultation. Honda have confirmed that there will be no changes to the workforce or operations until 2021.

"The Business Secretary set up a taskforce in Swindon with local MPs, civic and business leaders and trade unions to ensure that the skills and expertise of the workforce is retained and that these employees are able to move on to new skilled employment. That taskforce is due to hold its next meeting next week."

Ashley Cowburn13 May 2019 16:17

Conservative MP Ed Vaizey has said Theresa May should resign as leader "after the European elections".

“The only thing that could keep her in office would be if - by some miracle - she produces a [Brexit] deal with Labour.”

Ashley Cowburn13 May 2019 16:39

The Conservatives have plummeted to fifth place in the latest poll ahead of the European elections, 24 points behind the buoyant Brexit Party.

The survey ahead of next week’s contest has the Tories on just 10 per cent, securing less backing than Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party.

However, Nigel Farage’s newly-formed Brexit Party was in the lead, which despite only being launched weeks ago was on 34 per cent in the YouGov poll for The Times.

Ashley Cowburn13 May 2019 17:05
Ashley Cowburn13 May 2019 17:24

Cross-party Brexit talks between Labour officials and Downing Street have now resumed - the seventh consecutive week of the negotiations. 

Here are the Labour officials - including Keir Starmer, Rebecca Long-Bailey, Sue Hayman and John McDonnell - arriving at the cabinet office a short while ago to meet their opposite numbers.

Ashley Cowburn13 May 2019 17:51

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