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Jamal Khashoggi’s US lawyer sentenced to three years following detention in UAE

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Biden says US would use force as ‘last resort’ to prevent Iranian nuclear weapons

President Joe Biden’s trip to the Middle East came to an end with yet more controversy after it emerged that an American lawyer who previously represented murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi had been detained in the UAE.

US citizen Asim Ghafoor was detained at Dubai airport on Thursday while travelling to Istanbul for a family wedding and was held on charges related to an in absentia conviction for money laundering. Mr Ghafoor reportedly had no prior knowledge of any conviction.

UAE state media said on Saturday that the attorney had been sentenced to three years in prison.

On Saturday, Mr Biden met with UAE President Sheik Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and invited him to visit the US before the year is out.

He was one of multiple Middle Eastern leaders Mr Biden met in Saudi Arabia on Saturday before leaving aboard Air Force One.

New details also emerged about Friday’s controversial meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman – the man US intelligence found responsible for ordering the Khashoggi’s murder.

When Mr Biden confronted MBS about the killing – after a friendly fist-bump – he denied the accusation and fired back about the US’s own controversies.


Biden wipes away tears meeting with Holocaust survivors

President Joe Biden wipes away tears as he meets with Holocaust survivors at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial museum in Jerusalem
President Joe Biden wipes away tears as he meets with Holocaust survivors at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial museum in Jerusalem (REUTERS)
The president also shared smiles with survivors Dr Gita Cycowicz and Rena Quint as the three spoke after a solemn ceremony
The president also shared smiles with survivors Dr Gita Cycowicz and Rena Quint as the three spoke after a solemn ceremony (REUTERS)
Oliver O'Connell13 July 2022 17:13

Biden hails ‘bone deep’ US relationship with Israel

US President Joe Biden on Wednesday arrived in Tel Aviv, Israel, for the opening leg of his first visit to the Middle East since taking office in January 2021.

The president’s plane touched down at Ben Gurion Airport at 3.09 pm local time, approximately 11 hours after he left Washington. Mr Biden emerged from Air Force One at 3.30 pm, and was greeted by a group of Israeli officials, including President Isaac Herzog, Prime Minister Yair Laid, Deputy Prime Minister Naftali Bennet, and Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy.

Speaking at a welcome ceremony, Mr Biden said it was “an honour to once again stand with friends and visit the independent Jewish state of Israel”.

Andrew Feinberg reports.

Biden hails ‘bone deep’ US relationship with Israel as he opens Middle East trip

‘Every chance to return to this great country, where the ancient roots of the Jewish people date back to Biblical times, is a blessing’

Oliver O'Connell13 July 2022 17:40

Biden memorial note stresses importance of remembrance to counter hate

President Joe Biden wrote a personal message to mark his visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem stressing the importance of remembering the Holocaust and teaching new generations about it to stop it from happening again.

The president wrote:

It is a great honour to be back — back to my emotional home —We must never, ever forget, because hate is never defeated, it only hides.

We must teach every succeeding generation that it can happen again unless we remember.

That is what I teach my children and grandchildren. Never forget.

(POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
Oliver O'Connell13 July 2022 17:46

Biden says US would use force as ‘last resort’ to prevent nuclear Iran

The United States would use force to prevent Iran from acquiring or developing nuclear weapons if all other options fail, President Joe Biden said during an interview with Israel’s Channel 12 news.

This is a developing story, more follows...

Biden says US would use force as ‘last resort’ to prevent Iranian nuclear weapons

The United States would use force to prevent Iran from acquiring or developing nuclear weapons if all other options fail, President Joe Biden has said.

Oliver O'Connell13 July 2022 18:14

Biden ‘would not be disappointed’ by rematch with Trump in 2024

During his interview with Israel’s Channel 12, President Joe Biden was asked if he was predicting a rematch with Donald Trump in the 2024 election.

Mr Biden responded: “I’m not predicting, but I would not be disappointed.”

Oliver O'Connell13 July 2022 18:31

Voices: Welcome to Israel, President Biden. As a member of the Knesset, I have a request

Aida Touma-Sliman writes that we need to talk about the Palestinian people, even if the president would rather not.

Welcome to Israel, President Biden. As a member of the Knesset, I have a request

We need to talk about the Palestinian people, even if you’d rather not

Oliver O'Connell13 July 2022 18:45

Biden asked about ‘undeniable gap’ with progressive Democrats on Israel

President Joe Biden is asked about the “undeniable gap” between progressive Democrats and him on Israel.

He tells Channel 12: “There are a few of them. I think they’re wrong. I think they’re making a mistake. Israel is a democracy. Israel is our ally ... And I think I make no apologies.”

Mr Biden adds: “There’s no possibility, I think, of the Democratic party, or even a significant portion of the Republican party, walking away from Israel.”

Oliver O'Connell13 July 2022 18:48

Watch: Biden’s comments on Iran and nuclear weapons

Oliver O'Connell13 July 2022 18:55

What’s really behind Biden’s controversial trip to Saudi Arabia

The White House says Mr Biden’s visit with Saudi leaders is meant to ‘reorient’ America’s relationship with Riyadh. But as Andrew Feinberg reports, foreign policy experts are split on whether the president should be going at all.

What’s really behind Biden’s controversial trip to Saudi Arabia

The White House says Mr Biden’s visit with Saudi leaders is meant to ‘reorient’ America’s relationship with Riyadh. But as Andrew Feinberg reports, foreign policy experts are split on whether the president should be going at all

Oliver O'Connell13 July 2022 19:00

In pictures: Biden pays respects at Yad Vashem

President Joe Biden, wearing a skullcap, participates in a wreath laying ceremony in the Hall of Remembrance at Yad Vashem
President Joe Biden, wearing a skullcap, participates in a wreath laying ceremony in the Hall of Remembrance at Yad Vashem (AP)
President Joe Biden rekindles the Eternal Flame at the Hall of Remembrance at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial museum as Secretary of State Antony Blinken looks on
President Joe Biden rekindles the Eternal Flame at the Hall of Remembrance at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial museum as Secretary of State Antony Blinken looks on (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
Oliver O'Connell13 July 2022 19:30

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