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Hakeem Jeffries: Nancy Pelosi’s likely successor formally declares Democratic leadership bid

Republicans are set to hold an extremely slim majority in the House of Representatives

Alex Woodward,Andrew Naughtie
Friday 18 November 2022 17:53 GMT
Nancy Pelosi steps down as Democratic leader after losing House

With the Republican Party projected to win a slim majority in the US House of Representatives and Nancy Pelosi stepping down from the Democratic leadership, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries has officially declared he is running for his party’s top job – and so far, he is unopposed.

In an emotional address on the House floor on Thursday, Ms Pelosi said lawmakers “must move boldly into the future” and remain “open to fresh possibilities.” She will continue to serve her district as the congresswoman representing San Francisco, but she will not seek re-election to a leadership role.

Current House minority leader Kevin McCarthy has already cleared the first hurdle toward being elected House Speaker but with more than 30 of his members declining to back him.

The Republican was notably absent from Ms Pelosi’s announcement in the lower chamber – a rebuke after several other GOP figures turned out to join Democrats in applauding the long-running lawmaker.

When asked by reporters why he missed the speech, he claimed he “had meetings”.


Bernie Sanders wants to lead the Senate’s health committee, with a focus on universal health care

Senator Bernie Sanders wants to chair the Senate’s Health committee in the upcoming Congress, hoping to focus on health care and prescription drug costs – positioning himself to hold congressional hearings and studies on Medicare for All.

His spokesperson Mike Casca said in a statement that the Vermont progressive “will focus on universal health care, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, increasing access to higher education, and protecting workers’ rights on the job.”

After Senate Democrats picked up a razor-thin majority in 2020, Mr Sanders picked up the role or chairman on the Budget Committee, holding hearings on wealth inequality and corporate bailouts and steering a budget reconciliation process central to Joe Biden’s agenda.

Alex Woodward18 November 2022 01:00

Democrats line up behind Hakeem Jeffries as next House minority leader

Top Democrats are coalescing their support behind longtime Democratic caucus chair Hakeem Jeffries to be the head of a new-look team that will lead Democrats after two decades under the trio of Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer and James Clyburn.

Andrew Feinberg reports:

Democrats line up behind Hakeem Jeffries as next House minority leader

Mr Jeffries, an attorney who has represented New York’s Eighth District since 2013, has served as the Democratic caucus chair since the start of the 116th Congress in 2019

Alex Woodward18 November 2022 02:00

Republicans may now control the House of Representatives – but there’s a catch

The lack of a signficant majority will come back to bite the GOP, writes Chris Stevenson:

Republicans may now control the House – but there’s a catch | Chris Stevenson

The lack of a signficant majority will come back to bite the GOP, says Chris Stevenson

Alex Woodward18 November 2022 03:00

Nancy Pelosi: The most powerful woman in American politics. Period.

As outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reveals her political future, The Independent’s Andrew Feinberg looks back on her legacy:

Nancy Pelosi: The most powerful woman in American politics. Period.

As outgoing House speaker Nancy Pelosi reveals her political future, Andrew Feinberg looks back on her legacy

Alex Woodward18 November 2022 04:00

House Republican waste no time announcing investigations into Biden family

House Republicans previewed a swathe of investigations into President Joe Biden and his family after narrowly winning back the lower chamber in the midterms.

The president has rejected any claims that he’s linked to his son’s affairs, but House Republicans are pushing ahead with a congressional probe to derail his administration.

House Republicans announce investigations into Biden family after winning majority

‘Was Joe Biden directly involved with Hunter Biden’s business deals, and is he compromised?’

Alex Woodward18 November 2022 05:00

Election deniers overwhelmingly failed in 2022. The candidates who defeated them are bracing for 2024

Secretaries of state – both Democrats and Republicans – were critical in 2020 elections to stand up against Donald Trump and his allies from attempts to reject or overturn the results. Those officials certified votes, protected election workers and volunteers from harassment and abuse, and, in at least one case, rebuffed a direct surbversive attempt – recorded on tape – from Mr Trump himself.

Georgia’s Republican secretary of state Brad Raffensperger gained a national profile in the aftermath of the 2020 election, when then-president Trump called him to “find” enough votes to overturn Joe Biden’s victory in the state. He refused.

“We’re going to stand for the rule of law,” he told reporters in the briefing on 15 November. “They’re gonna stand for the Constitution. And so that’s where we are right now. And we continue to press on to make sure we have honest, fair elections.”

Election deniers overwhelmingly failed in 2022. The threat isn’t over

Voters rejected Republicans in critical state-level races running on bogus election narratives and endless grievances. After beating them, newly elected officials warn that the GOP movement of Trump loyalists and conspiracy theorists isn’t over yet, Alex Woodward reports

Alex Woodward18 November 2022 07:00

‘After Nancy Pelosi, get ready for a darker, weirder era in the House'

Ahmed Baba writes:

While the majority is very slim in the House, Republicans are set to obtain newfound power in 2023. The GOP will have control over powerful House committees with investigatory subpoena powers, the ability to decide what bills are pursued and brought to the floor, and the capacity to impeach President Biden and his Cabinet members.

Remember the Trump-era House hearings filled with belligerent insanity? Get ready for dozens of those.

After Nancy Pelosi, get ready for a darker, weirder era in the House

We’re going to see partisan investigations into Hunter Biden, conspiracy theories about the IRS, Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal, border policy at DHS, and more

Alex Woodward18 November 2022 08:00

ICYMI: How Republicans won control of the House

When the new Congress convenes on 3 January, Republicans will control the House of Representatives for the first time in four years after winning enough seats in midterm elections to secure a slim majority in the chamber.

Still, it was far from the “red wave” anticipated by Republicans, with embattled Democrats in critical races managing to protect their seats as voters – particularly young people and women – rejected far-right campaigns on abortion rights, Mr Trump’s looming precense and the GOP’s worryingly antidemocratic agenda.

GOP wins House majority on gerrymandered districts and rebuke to Biden

A number of House races remain undecided but Republicans will control at least 218 seats when the 118th Congress convenes in January

Alex Woodward18 November 2022 09:00

Chuck Schumer honours Nancy Pelosi in Senate speech

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer hailed outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a trailblazer who “transformed practically every corner of American politics and unquestionably made America a better, stronger nation.”

Mr Schumer and his caucus will retain control of the upper chamber of Congress next year, holding at least 50 seats in the 100-seat Senate. A runoff election between Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker next month could give Democrats a 51st seat to solidify Democrats’ majority.

Alex Woodward18 November 2022 10:00

Marjorie Taylor Greene dodges question about most fentanyl being smuggled by US citizens – not migrants

Far-right Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene dodged a question from The Independent when asked about her claims regarding the source of fentanyl crossing the US-Mexico border.

When asked about the fact that most fentanyl comes not from illegal border crossings but from legal ports of entry from American citizens, Ms Greene dodged the question.

“I would ask for where’s your proof on that because that’s not what we’ve been shown,” she said. “When we go to the border and we’re speaking with border patrol agents, when we’re on the ground, that’s not at all what we are being told.”

Then citing a study from the CATO Institute, a libertarian organisation that cited US government data, she rebuffed the study.

“The CATO Institute is not the border patrol,” she said.

Marjorie Taylor Greene dodges question about most fentanyl being smuggled US citizens

‘I’m sorry, is the CATO down there securing our border and stopping illegal aliens and human trafficking and drug trafficking’

Alex Woodward18 November 2022 11:00

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