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Libya hijack: Libyan Afriqiyah Airways flight seized by hijackers in Malta – as it happened

See The Independent's live updates as the situation unfolded

Katie Forster
Friday 23 December 2016 12:13 GMT
People exit hijacked plane in Malta

Two hijackers who diverted a Libyan passenger plane to Malta claiming to have a grenade have surrendered peacefully following hours of tense negotiations.

There were 118 people, including seven crew members, on board the hijacked Afriqiyah Airways Airbus A320, which was travelling from Sabha in south east Libya to the capital Tripoli.

These were The Independent's live updates as the situation unfolded:

:: Libyan plane lands in Malta in 'potential hijack situation'


The final crew members have been seen leaving the aircraft with the hijackers

Jack de Menezes23 December 2016 14:41

The hijack is now over and the hijackers have been apprehended after leaving the plane, apparently voluntarily

Jack de Menezes23 December 2016 14:47

The hijackers of the Libyan plane have "surrendered, [been] searched and taken into custody", says Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat on Twitter.

The image below, broadcast on Television Malta, shows the final crew members and hijackers leaving the aircraft.

Jack de Menezes23 December 2016 14:50

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