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Israel-Palestine latest: Israeli forces withdraws from Jenin after deadly raid that killed 13

As troops withdrew overnight, tensions remained high as shots were exchanged between the two sides

Aftermath of car-ramming that injured several Tel Aviv

Israeli forces withdrew from the Jenin refugee camp after a two-day deadly raid that left at least 12 Palestinians and one Israeli soldier dead, around 100 wounded, and thousands driven from their homes.

The incursion on the militant stronghold in the West Bank, one of the most intense in the territory in nearly two decades, began with late-night drone strikes, followed by a sweep involving more than 1,000 Israeli troops.

As the troops withdrew overnight, tensions remained high as Israel reported a volley of rockets from the Gaza Strip, another Palestinian territory. The rockets were shot down and Israel’s air force struck targets in Gaza belonging to the ruling Hamas, causing no casualties.

In a further sign of violence spilling over from Jenin, a Palestinian rammed his car into pedestrians in Tel Aviv and went on a stabbing spree on Tuesday, wounding eight people before he was shot dead. Hamas claimed him as a member.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to carry out similar offensives in the future. He said: "At these moments we are completing the mission, and I can say that our extensive operation in Jenin is not a one-off."


UK government doing ‘everything possible’ to de-escalate situation

MPs in the UK House of Commons are discussing Israel’s military operation in the West Bank.

Labour MP Beth Winter tabled an urgent question on the operation, in which 10 people have been killed.

Anne-Marie Trevelyan, a Foreign Office minister, said the government was doing “everything possible to de-escalate the situation”.

Australia Britain
Australia Britain (AAP Image)

Matt Mathers4 July 2023 12:54

Israeli police issue update

Israeli police have issued a statement with more details of the car-ramming attack in Tel Aviv.

Officers said the suspect was driving a vehicle travelling from south to north on Pinchas Rosen Street in Tel Aviv.

He then “rammed into pedestrians standing in the shopping centre and proceeded to get out of the vehicle to stab civilians with a sharp object”.

The victims were taken to the Beilinson and Ichilov hospitals, according to medical officials.

Matt Mathers4 July 2023 12:26

Israel authorities respond to attack

Members of Israeli security and emergency personnel work at the site of a reported car-ramming attack in Tel Aviv on July 4, 2023.

The suspected attack has resulted in injuries police and medics said, on the second day of a major Israeli army operation in the occupied West Bank.

Initial reports said 10 people had been injured. This has since been revised down to six.

(JACK GUEZ/AFP via Getty Images)
(JACK GUEZ/AFP via Getty Images)
(JACK GUEZ/AFP via Getty Images)

Matt Mathers4 July 2023 12:20

Hamas praises ‘heroic attack'

The Palestinian militant group Hamas has praised the car-ramming attack, describing it as “heroic”.

Spokesman Muhammad Hamadeh said in a statement the attack in Tel Aviv was part of “a natural response to the ongoing massacre of our people, and a legitimate self-defence against the [Israeli] occupation’s violation of all human norms”.

“The occupier must prepare to count his dead and injured, for the blood of our children is not cheap,” the statement added.

Matt Mathers4 July 2023 12:12

One ‘car-ramming’ victim in serious condition - ambulance

One of the victims in the car-ramming attack is in a serious condition, authorities in Israel say.

Israel’s emergency medical service also said two people are in a moderate condition and one person is in a mild condition.

Reports say the alleged attacker was shot and killed at the scene.

Matt Mathers4 July 2023 12:10

Breaking: Seven injured in suspected Palestinian car-ramming

A suspected Palestinian car-ramming and stabbing attack injured at least seven people in Tel Aviv on Tuesday, police have confirmed.

A medical official said the incident appeared to have included at least one stabbing victim, and that a suspected assailant had been "neutralised" by first-responders.

Initial reports said the number of people injured was 10.

We’ll have more on this breaking story as it comes in.

Matt Mathers4 July 2023 11:27

‘Nearly impossible’ for ambulances to reach injured - charity

A medical charity treating injured Palestinian has said it is “nearly impossible” for ambulances to reach those needing treatment after Israeli military bulldozers “destroyed multiple roads” leading to the Jenin refugee camp.

“As a result, during the raid, Palestinian paramedics have been forced to proceed on foot in an area with active gunfire and drone strikes,” Médecins Sans Frontières said in a statement.

“All roads leading to the refugee camp have been blocked for the duration of the military operation despite the presence of patients in need of care inside.”

Matt Mathers4 July 2023 11:13

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