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WrestleMania 40 - live: Updates and results as The Rock, John Cena and Undertaker star on night two

The Rock, John Cena, The Undertaker and many more starred at the biggest WWE show of the year

Alex Pattle
Monday 08 April 2024 09:23 BST
WWE's Bayley opens up on coaching 'stacked' women's roster

The biggest wrestling show of the year has come and gone: WWE’s two-night extravaganza, WrestleMania.

WrestleMania 40 played out at Philadelphia’s Lincoln Financial Field on Saturday and Sunday, and the card was stacked.

The main event of night one saw Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson competing fully in WWE for the first time in 11 years, as he teamed with his ‘cousin’ Roman Reigns to beat Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins. Due to The Rock and Reigns’s victory, the latter’s Universal Championship defence against Rhodes – the main event of night two – was ‘anything goes’, meaning plenty of interferences.

And the most notable interferences came from WWE legends John Cena and The Undertaker, who thwarted The Rock and enabled Rhodes to beat Reigns – marking the end a four-year title reign.

Re-live updates and results from both nights of WrestleMania 40:


WrestleMania 40 LIVE – Night Two: Iyo Sky vs Bayley

The pair battle on, until Bayley throws Sky over the barricade. Sky jumps back over it, but Bayley catches her and slams her to the ground.

The women are back in the ring, and Bayley is looking to battle through that knee issue. Another big slam by Bayley, and she covers Sky... 1, 2, kickout by the champion!

Bayley climbs the ring post, but Sky chases after her, springing off the ropes and dropkicking Bayley to the floor outside the ring. Back flip off the top rope by Sky, who crashes into Bayley!

More fighting in the ring, where Sky lands two straight German suplexes. Both times, Bayley seems to land awkwardly on her neck. Ouch.

Sky scales the ring post and flips off backwards again, but Bayley gets her knees up in defence! Bayley’s turn to climb in the corner, but she misses with an elbow drop!

Alex Pattle8 April 2024 02:26

WrestleMania 40 LIVE – Night Two: Iyo Sky vs Bayley

Here we go... The women lock up, with Bayley taking down Sky early on. Sky slides out of the ring but quickly returns, slinging Bayley to the outside.

Now Bayley is back in the ring, but the action spills under the bottom rope. Sky slaps Bayley then rolls her into the ring.

Sky with a back flip into a dropkick! Yet again the pair end up outside the ring, but Bayley re-enters the squared circle and runs across the ring and back, before leaping between the ropes and diving at Sky.

Back in the ring. Sky fights back and starts attacking Bayley’s right knee, employing a hold. The referee forces the champion to let go eventually, but Sky maintains momentum in the exchanges that follow.

Alex Pattle8 April 2024 02:17

WrestleMania 40 LIVE – Night Two: Iyo Sky vs Bayley

Two more matches tonight! First up, Iyo Sky defends her Women’s Championship against ex-teammate Bayley.

Our own Ollie Browning interviewed Bayley ahead of WrestleMania 40, with the former champion saying:

“I know this is the big one, it’s a very emotional story and it’s heavy on my heart. I’ve been saying for a few years that I’ve never had a singles match at WrestleMania, let alone for the title... It’s such an amazing time in WWE, too.

“The fact I’m right there at the top, I’m honoured, and I feel it’s the perfect time in my career. Now it’s about proving to myself, and everybody, that I’m not going anywhere. I’ve done everything at WrestleMania besides this singles match... It’s like an out-of-body experience. Walking down that ramp, standing in that ring is huge.”

Bayley earned this title shot by winning the Royal Rumble in January.

Alex Pattle8 April 2024 02:11

WrestleMania 40 LIVE – Night Two: Logan Paul vs Randy Orton vs Kevin Owens

Paul punches Owens with the brass knuckles, too, before Orton recovers and RKOs Paul!

Orton grabs the brass knuckles but passes them to the referee. Meanwhile, a mascot dressed as a Prime bottle drags Paul out of the ring, and reveals himself to be... a streamer (I don’t recognise them, I won’t lie)...

Apparently it’s I Show Speed, and he barks at Orton, who responds by RKOing the streamer on the announce table!

Orton gets back in the ring, where a chaotic spell ends with Owens suffering a great counter RKO!

But Paul chucks Orton out of the ring then flies off the top rope, splashing Owens! 1, 2, 3 – Paul retains the US Title!

Alex Pattle8 April 2024 02:03

WrestleMania 40 LIVE – Night Two: Logan Paul vs Randy Orton vs Kevin Owens

Owens with a flip off the top rope and onto Paul... who gets his knees up! Paul then climbs the ring post and lands his own front flip onto Owens!

Orton then sneaks in and builds some momentum, hitting a DDT on both of his opponents as they hang from the middle rope.

The trio battle on, until Paul hoists Owens onto the ring post. Paul tries a suplex, but Owens reverses with a power slam from the top rope! He follows up with a back flip from the top rope, too!

Here comes Orton with an RKO on Owens, who kicks out at 2! Now Paul slides into the ring, sporting some brass knuckles, and he clocks Orton! 1, 2, NO – Orton kicks out!

Logan Paul is attacked by Randy Orton (left)
Logan Paul is attacked by Randy Orton (left) (Getty Images)
Alex Pattle8 April 2024 01:56

WrestleMania 40 LIVE – Night Two: Logan Paul vs Randy Orton vs Kevin Owens

Paul exits the ring immediately, but Owens and Orton chase him and start beating up the YouTuber.

Orton with a backdrop on Paul, slamming him on an announce table. Owens follows suit, as Paul cries out in pain. Orton goes again!

Back in the ring, Orton and Owens continue to double-team Paul. Both men try to pin Paul, and suddenly it gets a bit frosty between them...

Orton tries an RKO! Owens reverses! Orton grins... The crowd chants at him, “You f***ed up,” and the fast friends finally trade blows.

Paul leaps back into this match and starts to build momentum. He taunts the crowd while he’s at it.

Alex Pattle8 April 2024 01:49

WrestleMania 40 LIVE – Night Two: Logan Paul vs Randy Orton vs Kevin Owens

Next up, YouTube star Logan Paul defends the US Championship against Randy Orton and Kevin Owens.

While we wait for that bout, this year’s WWE Hall of Fame inductees emerge to greet the crowd.

Now here comes Paul, riding atop a truck of Prime – his energy drink.

Owens is out next, driving a buggy. He gets to the bottom of the ramp, and Orton’s music hits... and Owens reverses back up the ramp, where Orton hops on the buggy!

All three men are now in the ring.

Alex Pattle8 April 2024 01:33

WrestleMania 40 LIVE – Night Two: LA Knight vs AJ Styles

Styles is able to compose himself and apply a leg lock on Knight, who grabs the bottom rope, forcing the referee to stop the hold.

Styles continues to target the left knee of Knight, wrapping his leg around the ring post. Knight counters and floors Styles, before pulling some protective padding off one section of the floor outside the ring...

Knight tries a powerbomb, but Styles counters, and Knight lands back-first on the exposed floor! Knight barely gets back in the ring before the 10 count. Styles with a front flip, springing off the top rope, but Knight gets his knees up to counter!

A frantic spell ensues, with each man countering the other. Styles tries another aerial attack, but Knight knocks him off the top rope!

Knight hits his finisher, driving Styles face-first into the mat! Aaaaaand 1, 2, 3! Knight beats Styles!

Alex Pattle8 April 2024 01:23

WrestleMania 40 LIVE – Night Two: LA Knight vs AJ Styles

The bell has barely rung before Knight and Styles come to blows! Knight gets the better of the early exchanges, but Styles is fighting back now.

Styles is targeting the left leg of Knight, who is hobbling around the ring... until he finds the adrenalin to go on a bit of a tear, starting with a clothesline of Styles.

Knight’s leg seems fine for now; he springs off the ropes and hits a spinning DDT on Styles. Now he lifts the former world champion onto the ring post and tries a suplex, but Styles slips under Knight and pulls him from the top rope.

It’s Styles’s turn to climb, and it’s Knight’s turn to thwart him. The referee’s view is obscured as Knight bites Styles! Styles retaliates with an eye poke!

Eventually Knight is able to suplex Styles from the top rope! German suplex, with Styles flipping through the air and landing hard!

Alex Pattle8 April 2024 01:13

WrestleMania 40 LIVE – Night Two: LA Knight vs AJ Styles

Next up is a grudge match between fan favourite LA Knight and AJ Styles.

The pair brawled earlier this week during a media day for WrestleMania 40, with Styles taking a fair bit of damage to his nose...

Alex Pattle8 April 2024 01:06

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