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Prince Harry interview - live: Royal deflects question about whether he misses his brother and father

Follow the latest updates from the Duke of Sussex’s interview with NBC News’ ‘Today’ at the Invictus Games

Io Dodds ,Chelsea Ritschel,Amber Raiken
Wednesday 20 April 2022 20:42 BST
Prince Harry Speaks About Seeing His Grandmother, The Queen

Prince Harry has said he is making sure his grandmother Queen Elizabeth II is “protected” and has “the right people around her,” while deflecting a question about whether he misses his brother and father.

In an interview with the Today show’s Hoda Kotb on NBC on Wednesday, the Duke of Sussex said it was “just so nice” to see the Queen on only his third trip back to the UK since March 2020.

The royal sat down with Kotb while in The Hague, Netherlands to attend the Invictus Games, with the full interview aired on Wednesday morning.

The interview came just one year after the Duke’s explosive TV special with Oprah Winfrey alongside his wife Meghan, during which the couple detailed a number of concerning claims about their time as royals.

Follow live updates below as we report the latest news from Prince Harry’s visit and learn more about what he said to NBC.


Harry says Queen is on ‘great form’ after brush with Covid

Prince Harry told TV host Hoda Kotb that his grandmother Queen Elizabeth II was on “great form” after her recent bout with Covid 19.

According to new preview footage released by NBC News just now, the Duke of Sussex opened up about his recent secret visit to the Queen last week.

“Being with her, it was great. It was just so nice to see her,” Prince Harry told Ms Kotb.

“She’s on great form. She’s always got a great sense of humour with me, and I’m just making sure that she’s protected and got the right people around her.”

Io Dodds20 April 2022 00:06

Child reporters land exclusive royal interview

Of all the journalists covering Prince Harry's visit to the Invictus Games, perhaps the most impressive scoop went to Sophia, 11, and Jay, 12, two cub reporters for the Dutch children's news outlet Kindercorrespondent.

In a sweet interview on Saturday, the pair asked the Duke – kneeling down so he was level with Sophia's microphone – about his wishes for Archie and Lilibet's future.

Prince Harry responded. "To grow up in a better world. To grow up in a fairer world, a safer world, a more equal world. "It's not going to be easy, but I will never ever ever rest until I as a parent have at least tried to make the world a better place for them.

"Because it is our responsibility that the world is the way that it is now, and I don't think that I should be bringing children into the world unless we are going to make that commitment to make it better for them. We cannot steal your future."

Asked what he liked most about the Invictus Games, Prince Harry said: "So many kindred spirits, comrades in arms, from all over the world – people who have been struggling and suffering by themselves, knowing that their story is unique to them but also so relatable to so many other people.

"Bringing that energy together and bringing that pain and the suffering together for one week, and then everybody leaves feeling more healed. That's what sport does, that's what community does, that's what human interaction does."

He told the two children that it was important for their generation to understand not only the history of war but "the power of recovery", saying good things could come from conflict. After the interview, the trio embraced.

Io Dodds19 April 2022 23:14

'I promised I wouldn't have kids until I left the army'

Another nice detail from Prince Harry’s interview with People: in his younger days, he did not want to be married or have kids until he had left the British Army.

"When I was in the Army, I promised myself I would be out before having a wife and kids, because I couldn't imagine the heartache of being apart for so long during deployment, the risk of possibly getting injured, and the reality that my family's lives could be changed forever if that happened," Prince Harry said.

"Every member of the Invictus community has experienced varying degrees of these things. I have tremendous respect for what they and their families sacrifice in the name of service."

Io Dodds19 April 2022 22:41

Harry explains disability to his son Archie

Prince Harry told People that his son Archie, who turns three years old on 6 May, is already very interested by the Invictus Games.

“I showed Archie a video of wheelchair basketball and rugby from the Invictus Games in Sydney, and he absolutely loved it,” Harry said.

“I showed him how some were missing legs and explained that some had invisible injuries, too – not because he asked, but because I wanted to tell him.

“Kids understand so much, and to see it through his eyes was amazing because it’s so unfiltered and honest.”

Io Dodds19 April 2022 21:55

Second Sussex child Lilibet takes her first steps

In his interview with People, Prince Harry also revealed that his 10-month-old daughter Lilibet has taken her first steps, Meredith Clark reports.

“Her current priorities are trying to keep up with her brother; she took her first step just a few days ago,” Harry told People. “Proud papa, here.”

Lilibet, or Lili for short, was born last June and named in honour of her late grandmother, the Princess of Wales, and her great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II.

Io Dodds19 April 2022 21:32

'To have Meg by my side means everything'

Prince Harry has described his pride and happiness at returning to the Invictus Games with Meghan Markle as parents, my colleague Chelsea Ritschel reports.

In an interview with People magazine, the Duke of Sussex said:

“There is nowhere you can feel more embraced and supported than with the Invictus family, The Toronto Games were our first time out and about publicly in an official way. We were dating at the time, so it was a lot to take in, but fortunately, we were with the perfect community for that.

“Now, five years later, here we are in The Hague at the fifth Invictus Games, as parents of two, and living in the US,” Harry said. “I had always wanted to share these incredible moments with someone special, and to have Meg by my side means everything.”

Io Dodds19 April 2022 21:10

Harry's secret visit to see the Queen

Last Thursday, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle made a secret visit to the UK to see Harry’s grandmother Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle.

It was only the third time the Duke of Sussex had returned to the UK since he and the Duchess stepped back from their roles as senior members of the royal family and relocated to California in March 2020.

“She had plenty of messages for [Invictus] Team UK, which I have already passed on to most of them,” he told the BBC on Monday. "So, it was great to see her. I’m sure she would love to be here if she could."

According to The Telegraph, both Sussexes have also been invited to appear on the Buckingham Palace balcony during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations later this year.

It suggests that relations are improving between the Sussexes and the rest of the royal family following Queen Elizabeth’s Covid-19 infection in February.

Io Dodds19 April 2022 20:47

Oprah's royal interview was the most explosive since Diana

The Sussexes’ interview with Oprah Winrey last year was easily the most revealing royal interview since Prince Harry’s mother Princess Diana’s tell-all BBC spot in 1995.

Sitting in the grounds of the couple’s discreet house in Montecito, California, Meghan Markle told Oprah that she had contemplated suicide but been told it "wouldn’t be good for the [royal] institution" if she went to hospital.

She said there had been "several conversations" between herself, Harry, and other members of the royal family about "how dark" their mixed-race baby would be – a topic that left Harry "a bit shocked".

We don’t know whether this interview will be that explosive. One year on, relations between the Californian and the English Windsors may have cooled enough to make it a more chill affair. Then again, the Sussexes have surprised us all before.

Io Dodds19 April 2022 19:29

Another potential bombshell interview from Prince Harry

Good morning and welcome to our live blog from sunny California, where Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle make their home.

This week, instead, the couple are in the Netherlands to attend the Invictus Games, a sporting competition for injured or sick military members and veterans founded by the Duke of Sussex.

It’s there that Prince Harry sat down with US TV host Hoda Kotb. We’ll get preview clips from the interview later tonight (Tuesday), and the full interview tomorrow (Wednesday).

Io Dodds19 April 2022 19:07

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