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Suella Braverman – latest: Tory civil war over home secretary police row as Sunak urged to sack her

Leaked WhatsApp messages reveal divided Tory party as MPs clash over home secretary’s protest comments

Andy Gregory,Maryam Zakir-Hussain
Saturday 11 November 2023 09:50 GMT
Tory minister refuses multiple times to say PM has confidence in Suella Braverman

Rishi Sunak is facing a Tory civil war as he is urged to sack Suella Braverman over her controversial comments ahead of the pro-Palestine march today.

The home secretary has been accused of stirring “hatred and division” after she claimed the police are biased.

But her job is on the line after Downing Street made clear that it had not approved an extraordinary article in which she accused officers of playing favourites over a pro-Palestine march on Armistice Day.

No 10 says it is investigating after it demanded that changes be made to the piece but the request was ignored. As the home secretary’s claims sparked a furious outcry, one Conservative minister broke ranks to accuse her of fuelling “hatred and division”.

Now, leaked WhatsApp messages between Tory MPs reveal discord in the party as Braverman backers and supporters exchanged heated messages on her comments on the police.

Meanwhile, George Osborne, the former Tory chancellor, said the prime minister risked looking weak if he decided not to axe Ms Braverman.


Pro-Palestinian protest divides public opinion

A pro-Palestinian protest on Armistice Day has divided public opinion, with some saying it is “absolutely appropriate” to call for a ceasefire in Gaza while others have said they are “very wary” to enter central London:

Pro-Palestinian protest on Armistice Day divides public opinion

Thousands of protesters are set to march in central London on Armistice Day to demand a ceasefire in Gaza.

Jane Dalton10 November 2023 01:30

Anti-Boris plotters will stop Braverman becoming leader, says Nadine Dorries

Nadine Dorries has said Suella Braverman “becomes a martyr for those on the right of the party” if Rishi Sunak sacks her.

She claimed that the people who lead the Conservative Party, who plotted against Boris Johnson, have been “grooming Kemi Badenoch for years”.

“They won’t allow Suella to succeed. She will never get there,” she said.

Ms Badenoch has met Israeli mothers whose children were kidnapped by Hamas last month.

Jane Dalton10 November 2023 00:30

Braverman’s position ‘untenable’ - senior Tory

Suella Braverman’s position as home secretary has become untenable, a senior Tory has said.

Bob Neill, chair of the justice committee, said Ms Braverman’s police comments had “gone over the line”.

“Yes I think it is,” he told LBC’s Andrew Marr when asked if the home secretary’s position was untenable.

“I think she’s gone over the line and I was wondering about that earlier today [Thursday].

“I hoped she might not have done but it’s part of a history of ill-judgement and loose words.”

Conservative MP Bob Stewart has been charged with racially abusing a man he allegedly told to ‘go back to Bahrain’ (Richard Townshend/UK Parliament/PA)
Conservative MP Bob Stewart has been charged with racially abusing a man he allegedly told to ‘go back to Bahrain’ (Richard Townshend/UK Parliament/PA) (PA Media)

Matt Mathers10 November 2023 00:26

Braverman ally denies home secretary defied Sunak

Right-wing Tory MP Miriam Cates defended Suella Braverman, claiming she wasn’t defying Rishi Sunak.

Ms Cates said she was “reflecting very much the public mood”.

The Braverman ally told Times Radio: “I think most people would like to think that politicians are allowed to have independent thought. She has not in any way criticised government policy.

“She has not in any way undermined collective responsibility. She’s shown that she’s a free-thinking leader who has opinions.”

Jane Dalton9 November 2023 23:25

Suspicions Michael Gove could replace Braverman

Westminster is awash with speculation that Michael Gove could become home secretary if Rishi Sunak decides to sack Suella Braverman.

The levelling-up secretary is said to be keen on one of the great offices of state before the likely election defeat to Labour next year.

Jane Dalton9 November 2023 22:40

Opinion: Don't ban things just because you don’t like them

Ex-Metropolitan Police commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson says Saturday’s pro-Palestinian march should be allowed to go ahead – regardless of Saturday being Armistice Day, and even though he personally finds it insensitive:

As an ex-Met chief, I say: You can’t ban things just because you don’t like them

A bit of tension between politicians and police is to be expected, says former commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson. But I’ve never seen anything like the way my successor’s been treated by the home secretary – or the PM

Jane Dalton9 November 2023 21:59

Irish politicians condemn Braverman after Ulster comments

Northern Irish officials across the political divide have hit out at Suella Braverman for her apparent comparisons between the pro-Palestinian demonstrations and Orange Order marches:

Irish politicians condemn Suella Braverman after Ulster comments

Home secretary Suella Braverman compared the Ulster demonstrations to the pro-Palestine marches she said were run by ‘Islamist haters’

Jane Dalton9 November 2023 21:27

Braverman ‘allowed’ to criticise police, says Lee Anderson

Tory deputy chair Lee Anderson has defended Ms Braverman, and claimed she was “allowed” to criticise the police.

“She is allowed to comment on and criticise the Met Police. Anyone who thinks her comments are outrageous needs to get out more,” he told the Express.

The Common Sense Group run by Ms Braverman’s mentor John Hayes also defended her. The group’s deputy chairman Tom Hunt said: “I agree with the home secretary.”

Jane Dalton9 November 2023 20:56

Israel to set up humanitarian corridors

The US says there will be two humanitarian corridors allowing people to flee areas of hostilities in northern Gaza.

State Department deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel said the Rafah crossing was open for aid trucks to enter Gaza and foreign nationals to depart.

He said it was critical humanitarian supplies and assistance be expanded in the areas where people are moving.

The corridors are as well as four-hour pauses in fighting.

Israel agrees to 4-hour daily pauses in Gaza fighting to allow civilians to flee, White House says

The White House says Israel has agreed to put in place four-hour daily humanitarian pauses in its assault on Hamas in northern Gaza

Jane Dalton9 November 2023 20:27

Braverman accused of inciting far-right to challenge pro-Palestinian march

Suella Braverman has been accused by a former Metropolitan Police chief superintendent of “emboldening” far right groups to stage counter protests:

Braverman accused of inciting far-right groups to challenge pro-Palestine march

Former Metropolitan Police Chief Superintendant Dal Babu said the home secretary has ‘emboldened far right groups to come out’

Jane Dalton9 November 2023 20:10

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