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Boris Johnson news – live: Senior Tory says PM unfit for office after Partygate fine

He called Mr Johnson’s apology ‘indefensible’

Sam Hancock,Emily Atkinson
Tuesday 19 April 2022 19:20 BST
PM no longer worthy.mp4

Mark Harper, senior Conservative MP for the Forest of Dean, has said he believes Boris Johnson is “no longer worthy of the great office that he holds”.

It followed the PM’s address to the House of Commons in his first statement to MPs since he was fined by the Metropolitan Police for attending a birthday party – thrown in his honour – at No 10 while strict Covid restrictions were in place.

Mr Harper said: “I strongly support the government’s actions in standing up to Putin’s aggression and helping Ukraine defend itself and our values and it’s exactly at times like this that our country needs a Prime Minister who exemplifies those values.

“I regret to say that we have a Prime Minister who broke the laws that he told the country they had to follow, hasn’t been straightforward about it and is now going to ask the decent men and women on these benches to defend what I think is indefensible.

“I’m very sorry to have to say this, but I no longer think he is worthy of the great office that he holds.”


Will Boris Johnson make same speech ‘at the nest fine’?

Jess Phillips, Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley, asked if Boris Johnson would make the same speech “at the next fine”.

Police are still investigating claims of Downing Street parties during lockdown and the prime minister is thought to have attended as many as five of the gatherings under investigation, meaning he could ultimately face more fines.

Ms Phillips asked the prime minister: “Shall I look forward to this same statement at the next fine, and to stretch the metaphor of the speeding fines, after three fines on the road for speeding one has one’s driving licence removed from them.

“So at what point in his fine history will he see sense?”

Mr Johnson said he would not deal in hypotheticals.

Liam James19 April 2022 19:20

Rees-Mogg attacks Tory MP for calling on Boris Johnson to resign

Jacob Rees-Mogg attacked fellow Tory Mark Harper for his statement calling for the PM to go.

“Mark had been gearing up for that for some time … It was quite funny when he said how much it pained him when he was clearly enjoying the moment thoroughly,” he said.

The minister for Brexit opportunities also said Boris Johnson’s fine showed “what a law-abiding country we are”. “We have such regard for the rule of law in this country that even the head of government is accountable and has been fined,” he said.

Liam James19 April 2022 19:08

Tory MP says it's Putin who should go, not Johnson

Responding for calls for the Conservatives to vote to remove Boris Johnson after he was fined by police, Tory former minister Sir Edward Leigh said: “Yes, someone needs to have the courage to get rid of the leader – the leader who is sitting in the Kremlin and causing the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people.”

Sir Edward said he would “not give the satisfaction” to Vladimir Putin of “removing a British prime minister who has given an apology” over his Covid lockdown rule breach.

In response, Mr Johnson reiterated that Britain is not seeking regime change in Russia.

He said: “It is very, very important in this Ukrainian crisis that we do not make it an objective to remove the Russian leader.

“This is about protecting the people of Ukraine, that is what we’re doing and Putin will try to frame it as a struggle between him and the West. We cannot accept that.

“This is about his brutal attack on the people of Ukraine.”

Liam James19 April 2022 18:55

Boris Johnson ‘couldn’t have been more humble’, says senior Tory

Steve Baker, a Conservative former minister who previously doubted whether Boris Johnson would survive the Partygate scandal, said the prime minister could not have made a more humble apology.

“But what I want to say to him is justice leading into mercy relies on a very old-fashioned concept and that is repentance.

“What assurance can he give us that nothing of this kind will ever happen again?”

Mr Johnson repeated his apology and highlighted efforts to change the “way we do things in No 10”, adding he accepts “full responsibility” for his actions.

Kate Ferguson, deputy political editor of The Sun, says the backing from Mr Baker suggests the prime minister “is safe”.

Liam James19 April 2022 18:44

Grieving families ‘can’t move on’ until Boris Johnson leaves office

Boris Johnson will need to leave office before grieving families “move on from partygate”, the Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice group said.

Spokeswoman Safiah Ngah, who lost her father Zahari Ngah, 68, to coronavirus in February 202, said: “Today’s apology from the prime minister was the words of someone who is sorry they’ve been caught, not someone who regrets the harm they’ve done.

“There are already over 50 partygate fines issued aside from his own, and many more parties to be investigated, including in his own flat.

“His claim that he didn’t realise rules were being broken is just laughable, and shows he still takes us for idiots.”

She added: “Backbench Tory MPs might want us to move on from partygate, but first they’ll need to move Johnson on from his office.”

Liam James19 April 2022 18:33

No 10 consider cancelling PM’s India trip, reports suggest

It has been suggested that Downing Street is giving “serious consideration” to cancelling the PM’s trip to India so that he can attend Thursday’s vote.

MPs are set to cast votes as to whether to refer Mr Johnson for a formal parliamentary investigation into whether or not he misled the Commons about his knowledge of Covid law-breaking parties.

Poltical editor for The Times Steven Swinford tweets: “I’m told No 10 is giving serious consideration to cancelling Boris Johnson’s trip to India so he can attend Thursday’s vote

“Not clear where they’ve landed - conversations said to be ongoing - but there are concerns the vote will completely overshadow trip.”

Emily Atkinson19 April 2022 18:17

Watch: Criminal': Boris Johnson heckled by MPs in Commons

'Criminal': Boris Johnson hecked by MPs in Commons
Emily Atkinson19 April 2022 18:11

Should Boris Johnson be investigated further over Partygate? Have your say:

MPs will get the opportunity to debate, and vote on, whether Boris Johnson should be referred to the Commons privileges committee over potentially false statements he made to parliament about Partygate, Speaker Lindsay Hoyle has announced.

The Independent wants to know what you think should happen next.

Do you think Johnson should be investigated further by parliament? Cast your vote in our readers’ poll and check back soon to see the results.

Click the link below to have your say:

Should Boris Johnson be investigated further over Partygate? Have your say

The PM was fined by the Met Police over his birthday bash. Tell us what you think should happen now

Emily Atkinson19 April 2022 18:00

PM says Sue Gray report to be published in full

Conservative MP Julian Lewis - for New Forest East - asked: “Does my right honourable friend have the power to authorise Sue Gray to publish her report in full? And if so, will he use that power in order to put an end to this matter, so that we do not get diverted away as we are being from such crucial questions as supplying armaments to Ukrainian democrats.”

Mr Johnson replied: “I thank my right honourable friend very much, but I think it’s very important that the Met should conclude their investigation before Sue Gray’s final report.”

Prime minister Boris Johnson did not say whether he will authorise Sue Gray to publish her final report in full.

Emily Atkinson19 April 2022 17:55

Mark Harper shares letter of no confidence in PM to 1922 committee

Emily Atkinson19 April 2022 17:51

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