Travel questions

What are your tips for a trip to Barbados on the cheap?

Simon Calder answers your questions on budget getaways, Australian borders and holiday refunds

Friday 09 September 2022 21:30 BST
Sunrise in Barbados: there are worse times to visit the island than August
Sunrise in Barbados: there are worse times to visit the island than August (iStock)

Q We are off to Barbados for our 30th wedding anniversary next August. It’s a budget trip, and we want to go room-only and do self-catering. Any particularly nice areas? We need affordable shops and restaurants nearby.

Chris S

A Congratulations on your 30th anniversary, and how lovely that you have a special trip planned. To be honest, Barbados in August would be far from my first choice. It’s the height of the hurricane season; you could choose from a thousand nearer, cheaper and equally delightful locations; and budget travel to Barbados is tricky at any time of the year.

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