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Rishi Sunak faces new Rwanda revolt from Tory left in fresh party turmoil - live

Moderates say they could join right-wing MPs in pushing PM to change migrants deportation bill

Rishi Sunak wins Rwanda vote despite Tory rebellion

Rishi Sunak has been hit by a fresh headache on his flagship Rwanda bill, as senior Conservatives on the left said they would join right-wing rebels in pushing for changes ahead of an expected second vote in January.

The embattled PM had believed he could count on Tory MPs in the moderate “One Nation” wing, as he fights to appease their rivals on the right who are demanding tougher deportation legislation.

Justice Secretary Alex Chalk suggested the government would not cede to right-wingers by toughening up the bill, despite their threats to vote it down.

But, as No 10 prepares for crunch talks with the right-wingers over Christmas, senior Tory moderates told The Independent they were considering how to amend the bill to soften it.

Earlier, Sir Keir Starmer mocked Tory MPs who criticised Rishi Sunak in the press in PMQs.

The Labour leader goaded the Tory benches, saying: “Come on, come on. Who was it who said he’s a really bad politician? Hands up.”

Meanwhile, Mark Drakeford announced he was standing down as Welsh Labour leader, triggering a contest to find his successor.


‘Parliament has spoken,’ says Cleverly

Home Secretary James Cleverly said “Parliament has spoken” after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak won a crunch vote in the Commons over his emergency Rwanda legislation.

In a post to X, formerly Twitter, Mr Cleverly said: “Parliament has spoken.

“We must be able to choose who comes to our country – not criminal gangs.

“That’s what this Bill will deliver.”

Tara Cobham12 December 2023 23:00

Coffey says Sunak will be happy with winning Rwanda Bill vote

Therese Coffey said Rishi Sunak will be happy with winning the Rwanda Bill vote.

The MP for Suffolk Coastal said “the issue has become rather totemic” and added she wanted the Conservative Party to focus on “the criminal gangs pushing people across with false hope”.

Speaking after the vote, she said: “That was a solid vote. Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister should be very happy tonight.

“There’s a Bill, we can now get on with that Bill, clearly the Prime Minister has said he’s in a listening mode, wants to make it work.

“It was important to get the Bill through this stage today and I think a majority of 44, any Prime Minister would be proud of that, especially giving the tensions today.

“For the majority of people in this country, what they care about is the money in their pocket and economic growth.”

Asked what she would say to the rebel Tory groups who did not support the Bill, she said: “Just go through the detail carefully, and it’s important that the Government listens, and it’s important that people concerned about the legislation, on both ends of the political party, look at the details.”

Tara Cobham12 December 2023 22:00

Watch the moment Sunak wins Rwanda vote despite right-wing Tory rebellion

There were loud shouts of “aye” after Rishi Sunak’s Safety of Rwanda Bill passed its second reading on Tuesday, 12 December, in the House of Commons.

The prime minister’s new planned legislation would deem Rwanda safe in British law after the original bill was struck down as unlawful by the Supreme Court.

MPs approved the Safety of Rwanda Bill at its second reading by 313 votes to 269, majority 44.

Mr Sunak’s win came after five separate groups of right-wing Conservative MPs decided they could not support the Safety of Rwanda Bill at its second reading.

Holly Patrick reports:

Watch the moment Sunak wins Rwanda vote despite Tory rebellion

There were loud shouts of “aye” after Rishi Sunak’s Safety of Rwanda Bill passed its second reading on Tuesday, 12 December, in the House of Commons. The prime minister’s new planned legislation would deem Rwanda safe in British law after the original bill was struck down as unlawful by the Supreme Court. MPs approved the Safety of Rwanda Bill at its second reading by 313 votes to 269, majority 44. Mr Sunak’s win came after five separate groups of right-wing Conservative MPs decided they could not support the Safety of Rwanda Bill at its second reading.

Tara Cobham12 December 2023 21:15

Is it time the Rwanda scheme was scrapped? Join the Independent Debate

The Prime Minister has successfully defused a Tory revolt, following a crunch vote on his flagship migration policy.

The government’s new Rwanda bill would order British judges and courts to ignore some sections of the UK Human Rights Act to allow for the deportation of asylum seekers to the African country.

Under the plan, asylum seekers that arrive in Britain will be sent to Rwanda for processing where they could either be granted refugee status or allowed to stay.

Find out more here:

Tell us if it’s finally time the Rwanda scheme was scrapped

There has been significant division on both sides of the Conservative Party over the bill

Tara Cobham12 December 2023 20:55

Sunak tweets he will work to put emergency legislation into law

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak tweeted to say he will work to put his emergency legislation into law “so that we can get flights going to Rwanda and stop the boats” after winning a crunch vote in the Commons.

Tara Cobham12 December 2023 20:35

No Tory MP voted against giving Rwanda bill second reading

The division list showed no Conservative MPs voted against giving the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill a second reading.

There were 38 Conservative MPs listed as having no vote recorded, although this does not automatically equate to an abstention.

The division list released by the Commons authorities listed 307 Tory MPs as voting for the Bill along with five independent MPs, including Peter Bone (Wellingborough).

The number is one short of the 313 announced in the chamber, but updates to the list can occur.

There have been occasions where an MP’s vote has not registered on the pass reader system and they are added to the relevant list later – moving from the no vote recorded column.

Tara Cobham12 December 2023 20:15

Rishi Sunak wins Rwanda vote as he staves off mass Tory rebellion - for now

A wounded Rishi Sunak has scraped victory in a crunch vote on his flagship Rwanda policy - but his political future remains under threat ahead of a new year showdown on the issue.

The prime minister faces another battle with his own MPs within weeks after parliament backed his emergency legislation by 313 votes to 269.

As he fought to keep his controversial deportation scheme alive, Mr Sunak even flew a minister in from the Cop 28 climate change conference in Dubai to vote.

Kate Devlin and Archie Mitchell report:

Rishi Sunak wins Rwanda vote as he staves off mass Tory rebellion - for now

Tory MPs warn PM over next stage of flagship deportation bill - as William Hague cautions: We may never win back power

Tara Cobham12 December 2023 19:55

Watch: Rishi Sunak wins Rwanda vote after Tory rebellion

Rishi Sunak wins Rwanda vote after Tory rebellion
Tara Cobham12 December 2023 19:36

Government wins Rwanda Bill vote

The government has won the vote as MPs approved the Safety of Rwanda Bill at second reading by 313 votes to 269, majority 44.

Tara Cobham12 December 2023 19:30

Goverment wins on first vote on Labour amendment

The government has won on the first vote as Labour’s bid to block the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill at second reading was rejected by 337 votes to 269, majority 68.

MPs are now voting on the original motion, which is to decide whether or not to give the Bill a second reading.

Tara Cobham12 December 2023 19:17

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