Relieve DOMS with this vibrating massage ball

From your feet to your glutes, this pulsing ball offers benefits for multiple body parts

Zoe Griffin
Wednesday 22 May 2024 12:25 BST
This nifty gym bag essential will keep you exercising
This nifty gym bag essential will keep you exercising (The Independent)

Muscle soreness and not being able to walk up the stairs properly are common side effects of increasing your training load, but you don’t have to let it slow you down. A vibrating massage ball can be a powerful tool in your recovery arsenal, offering a convenient and effective way to manage muscle tension and prevent delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

DOMS happens when high-intensity or heavy exercise causes tiny, microscopic tears in your muscle fibres. Your body responds to this damage by increasing inflammation, which may lead to a delayed onset of soreness in the muscles.

Massage balls can provide self-myofascial release (SMR) – a term that describes putting pressure on a muscle to provoke muscle relaxation in the nervous system. Adding vibrations increases the pressure and helps to break up knots and stubborn areas of tight muscle fibres, which in theory should speed up the relaxation process and ease tension faster. The faster you get rid of the pain, the quicker you can get back to training without DOMS cramping your style.

While a vibrating massage ball is slightly more expensive than a regular lacrosse ball, over time it could significantly cut down the days you miss due to DOMS and save you money in cancelled PT sessions and unused gym membership.

Here’s everything we know about the Myro x Pulseroll vibrating ball (£75,, which is one of the lower-priced vibrating massage balls on the market.

Mypro x Pulseroll vibrating ball: £75,


Unlike traditional massages, which require an appointment and a therapist, a vibrating massage ball offers self-administered relief whenever you need it. The portability of the ball allows you to target specific areas before or after your workout.

The Mypro x Pulseroll ball allows you to adjust the vibration intensity to customise the massage for your comfort level. You might choose to use different intensities in different areas. For example, a gentler setting may be more comfortable for plantar fasciitis on the feet, but you can go deeper on larger muscle groups like the glutes. There are four intensity settings and a remote control to make switching modes easy and fast.

Vibrations from the massage ball are thought to promote blood flow throughout the targeted muscle group better than foam rollers or non-vibrating balls. Improved circulation can deliver essential nutrients to the muscles, aiding in the repair process and reducing muscle fatigue. This can be particularly beneficial after a tough workout, helping your muscles recover faster and reducing the likelihood of DOMS. To avoid DOMS, the goal is to repair your muscles before they become inflamed, so the quicker you use a ball after exercise, the greater your chances of coming out of it pain-free.

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For more ways to relieve DOMS, read our review of the best massage guns

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