Computers: Feedback: Palmed off

Neil Lewis
Friday 21 January 1994 00:02 GMT

I WAS interested in Richard North's article on computing on the move (7 January) because I use Microsoft Works at home and I have some work coming up in eastern Europe which will certainly involve many hours hanging around airports with few distractions other than work. The Mitac Palmtop featured had the potential to improve my productivity considerably, so I called the company to find out the nearest supplier.

The switchboard answered promptly, I explained my specific interest and was put through to 'sales'. I again said which product I was interested in; I was told that dealers did not keep stocks of their products and the nearest place I could see it was at Telford - 150 miles or so from my home. I asked if there was any literature available and was transferred to 'retail'.

For the third time I explained the nature of my interest and was told that the product was sold out and there were no plans to order any more.

This could warrant an apology from yourselves or Mitac. Alternatively you could use it as an illustration of how much smarter British companies will need to be in order to get ahead in a highly competitive industry.

Neil Lewis



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