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Sinn Fein MP takes aim at DUP and 'inhumane' ending of eviction ban in Easter Rising speech


Sinn Fein MP takes aim at DUP and ‘inhumane’ ending of eviction ban in Easter Rising speech

Sinn Fein's John Finucane criticised the DUP and the Irish government's ending of the eviction ban during a speech marking the 1916 Easter Rising on Sunday, 9 April.

The Belfast North MP praised the "international success story in peacemaking" of the Good Friday Agreement, which this Easter celebrates its 25th anniversary, as he called on the DUP to "recognise that they failed and get on with the business of representing those who elected them within the institutions [of the agreement]."

Mr Finucane also criticised the Irish government's "inhumane" decision to end a ban on rental evictions during winter months.

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